
The march and protest on Saturday 11th May was peaceful and lively, a brilliant expression of solidarity with the people of Palestine. Thanks to all UNISON West Sussex members who marched with us. Heading off down Chapel Road Branch Environment Officer, Jackie Gatenby, left, Branch Black Members’ Officer, Saubye Majeed, …

15th May 2024Read More »

The UNISON West Sussex branch like everyone is appalled at events unfolding in Gaza. The branch is affiliated to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and made …

8th May 2024Read More »

Thank you to all members who participated in the election for Deputy Branch Secretary for the period 2024-25. The results were: Votes Issued: 5875 Votes …

18th March 2024Read More »

The West Sussex branch AGM will take place over 3 separate meetings this year. Tuesday 26 March, 1.00-2.00pm: MS Teams Wednesday 27 March, 1.00-2.00pm: MS …

12th March 2024Read More »

UNISON calls for a pay rise of £3,000 or 10% for all local government & school workers UNISON, GMB and Unite lodged a pay claim …

11th March 2024Read More »

Schools convenor Keith Manville writes on a positive outcome for UNISON members: UNISON recently raised concern about the West Sussex Alternative Provision College’s plans to …

9th February 2024Read More »

Arun and Chichester Food Partnership are looking to learn from the experiences of teachers and support staff about how the cost-of-living crisis is impacting pupils …

8th February 2024Read More »

UNISON will be present at County Hall North, Horsham on the 29th February (Room 309) from 1030-1430. Please feel free to drop in for a chat, and find out about what joining UNISON can do for you. You can also sign up to become a member of the union on the …

6th February 2024Read More »

Could you support your UNISON branch? As part of the union’s democratic process, each year all the branch’s officer positions are up for election. Nomination …

24th January 2024Read More »

Could you work for a branch of Britain’s largest trade union? Our busy branch office in Chichester has a vacancy for a vital role which …

3rd January 2024Read More »