
UNISON’s rep on the forum, Keith Manville, updates us on the latest concerns. “There are considerable challenges ahead. Despite the fact we are all fed up hearing about ‘Brexit’, it does play a part, because government departments and any spending reviews are distracted or delayed by it. “This isn’t helped …

16th October 2019Read More »

Longer-standing members will recall a spate of overpayments being made to staff at WSCC – and particularly in schools – a few years ago which …

16th October 2019Read More »

Are you the manager of a team and do you hold regular team meetings? If so, can you help by letting us have a short …

16th October 2019Read More »

The October 2019 edition of Branch Lines is now available for you to download! Branch Lines – October 2019 edition Printed copies are being distributed around …

4th October 2019Read More »

The Ofsted commissioner’s report into West Sussex Children’s Services has confirmed what UNISON has been telling the council’s political and executive leadership for 18 months: …

4th October 2019Read More »

Been meaning to join UNISON? Know someone who has? The West Sussex branch 10:10 recruitment offer will run from 30th September until 11th October. From …

17th September 2019Read More »

UNISON West Sussex is holding member meetings for WSCC staff from 30th September to 4th October. All members are welcome and encouraged to come along …

17th September 2019Read More »

UNISON is running a national ballot of our higher education (HE) members asking them to vote ‘yes’ for strike action to demand an improved pay …

17th September 2019Read More »

Wendy Wilson, social worker and UNISON West Sussex Branch Committee member, writes: How awful the news was about murdered social worker Belinda Rose. Andrew Harper, …

3rd September 2019Read More »