
It’s the Great Capita West Sussex Recruitment Race! Can you be the one to recruit the most new members and win the race? This is …

1st March 2019Read More »

The council’s budget for 2019-21 went through at its full council meeting on February 14. This budget included provision for a ‘Review of staff terms …

1st March 2019Read More »

The Integrated Prevention and Early Help service (IPEH) has been doing great work for many years to support children and families through a range of …

1st March 2019Read More »

Year 2 of the 2018-20 pay deal: 2019/20 This is relevant for all members on NJC pay (schools and non-schools) It was not correct to …

8th February 2019Read More »

This is relevant for non-schools members on both NJC and HAY pay Schools members are unaffected by this We have previously reported on aborted attempts …

8th February 2019Read More »

This is relevant for HAY, SMG4 and AfC members Members will recall that WSCC previously consulted in August 2018 on: A 1% pay award; Linking …

8th February 2019Read More »

Been meaning to join UNISON? Know someone who has? The West Sussex branch 10:10 recruitment offer will run from 1st February to Valentine’s day to mark the …

31st January 2019Read More »

The county council’s Chief Executive sent out a broadcast email to all staff on 24th January announcing the new Special Circumstances Policy. The eye-catching headline of this announcement was the increase from 5 to 10 days of the potential paid special/compassionate leave staff can receive  in any rolling calendar year. …

31st January 2019Read More »

It’s time for UNISON members in schools to speak up! UNISON is proud to represent around 250,000 school support staff across the UK. Our members …

30th January 2019Read More »