
The January 2019 edition of Branch Lines is now available for you to download! Branch Lines – January 2019 edition Printed copies are being distributed …

10th January 2019Read More »

Branch AGMs will take place around the county from 27 March 2019. There will be three short AGM sessions this year. They will consist of a …

10th January 2019Read More »

UNISON members will recall WSCC’s Chief Executive (CEX) wrote to all staff in March 2018 to say that from April 2019 incremental progression would be …

19th December 2018Read More »

The Local Government Service Group Executive (LGSGE) and the National Schools Committee (NSC) have agreed to run a consultative ballot of UNISON schools members on …

14th December 2018Read More »

UNISON West Sussex has a thriving and growing retired members’ section of over 600 members! Our retired members were at County Hall North in Horsham on Thursday 13th December supporting the branch with a recruitment stall, prior to their regular meeting and a festive lunch and social. The branch has …

14th December 2018Read More »

West Sussex County Council has been trying for some time to address a recruitment and retention crisis in some of its children’s social work teams. …

3rd December 2018Read More »

WSCC’s LGPS pension admin service will transfer from Capita to Hampshire County Council on 4 March 2019, with TUPE transfers for staff expected on that …

3rd December 2018Read More »

UNISON welcomes the granting of Monday 24 December as an extra day’s leave by West Sussex County Council. Only staff involved in essential operations will be required to work, and they will be able to take an extra day’s leave too at a later point. Staff not rota’d to work …

3rd December 2018Read More »

For a limited period, UNISON members can enjoy a 30% discount available on all accommodation at Croyde Bay Holiday Resort in Devon. This offer applies to any …

2nd December 2018Read More »

As a thank you, if you successfully recruit a new member during November, UNISON will enter you into a prize draw to win a fantastic …

23rd November 2018Read More »