
UNISON’s 2018-19 winter fuel grant programme is now open. Grants of up to £60 per household are available to help members in low-income households. To be …

23rd November 2018Read More »

There has rightly been a lot of focus on cuts to housing and homelessness support grants in West Sussex recently, but there are also changes planned as part of the same package of proposals that will hit another vulnerable group of West Sussex residents. See below a letter from Aldingbourne Trust and …

23rd November 2018Read More »

UNISON has not forgotten about the 2018-19 HAY, SMG4 and AfC pay offer! After a lengthy delay it has now been confirmed that staff should expect …

26th October 2018Read More »

Campaigners presented a 15.000+ petition at West Sussex County Council’s full council meeting on 19th October. You can watch the whole debate on the webcast …

26th October 2018Read More »

Today, Monday 29th October, is budget day and local government workers are looking for 2 things: More resources for essential local government services at breaking point; …

25th October 2018Read More »

The branch has produced a briefing paper on Performance-Related Pay (PRP) for members. PRP systems can look superficially attractive on first sight, but they have a host of pitfalls associated with them. What’s more, there is no evidence that they work. Download our PRP briefing paper

25th October 2018Read More »

West Sussex County Council has issued proposals which, if acted upon, would abolish the council’s ‘Supporting People’ fund. This fund is currently worth £6million and …

15th October 2018Read More »

UNISON is supporting parent campaigners and staff at Littlegreen special school in Chichester who are trying to get an academy conversion order overturned. UNISON is …

15th October 2018Read More »

“At West Sussex County Council there is a history over recent years of change at senior leadership level which has led to inconsistent leadership and …

15th October 2018Read More »

Members in WSCC children’s residential care homes contacted UNISON when presented with proposals to change on-call and stand-by arrangements. This would involve them having to …

15th October 2018Read More »