
WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) is an apolitical campaign group that fights for justice for women born in the 1950s affected by the changes to state …

8th August 2017Read More »

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) issued a draft parking policy for consultation over the period Wednesday 12th – Wednesday 26th July. UNISON has responded to …

27th July 2017Read More »

Fees for workers bringing employment tribunal claims have been ruled unlawful, and the government will now have to repay up to £32m to claimants. This …

26th July 2017Read More »

Last year nearly 5,000 members took part in UNISON’s Equality Survey – one of the biggest responses to any survey ever run by UNISON. The results were …

26th July 2017Read More »

UNISON West Sussex is pleased to report that the branch has come ‘number 1‘ in a regional South East UNISON branch health check index. This …

26th July 2017Read More »

The Chief Executive of WSCC has issued a draft parking policy for consultation over the period Wednesday 12th – Wednesday 26th July. This policy if …

13th July 2017Read More »

The UNISON West Sussex branch notes the issuance of the all staff email by the Chief Executive on 28th June. It refers extensively to an …

5th July 2017Read More »

The Summer 2017 edition of Branch Lines is now available for you to download. Printed copies have already been distributed around County Council offices, schools, academies, …

22nd June 2017Read More »