
Ill-informed, clumsy and ineffective outsourcing is not the sole preserve of local or central government. Here’s a local example from the health sector you might want to help challenge. Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has offered the retail and catering facilities in its main entrances and receptions out to …

28th September 2016Read More »

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has pledged his ‘100% support’ to a national libraries demonstration aiming to highlight the “clear and present danger” to Britain’s public …

28th September 2016Read More »

UNISON is deeply concerned about last minute changes to the council’s plans for a new ‘Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service’ (IPEH). The new approach …

19th September 2016Read More »

The latest edition of Schools and Academies Branch Lines is now available! Download it here This follows distribution of paper copies to all schools and …

19th September 2016Read More »

UNISON West Sussex is undertaking a survey of all its schools and academies members. We want to better understand the impact of the school funding …

5th September 2016Read More »

UNISON has highlighted how the government has recently introduced a new Children and Social Work Bill now working its way through parliament. This new piece of legislation will have far-reaching consequences for all social workers in England, not just children and family social workers. The reforms will allow councils to …

5th September 2016Read More »

We’ve recently launched a new, open Facebook page to help us keep you better informed about union-related issues impacting you and your job. If you are on …

5th September 2016Read More »

UNISON is balloting members who work in universities on whether to accept or reject the employers’ miserly pay offer of 1.1%. UNISON’s higher education committee …

5th September 2016Read More »

UNISON, in partnership with Community Care, is once again running ‘Social Work Watch’ across the UK to shine a light on a typical working day in social work. take part in the survey here, today! On 21 September we want as many social work staff as possible to fill in …

19th August 2016Read More »