
On 16 August the government will announce yet another hike in our rail fares, but services are often late, overcrowded and under-staffed. Passengers and taxpayers …

15th August 2016Read More »

For the second time in 12 months UNISON has chosen to nominate Jeremy Corbyn for Leader of the Labour Party. This was after an extensive consultation within the union and ballot of members who choose to be members of the Affiliated Political Fund – which links members to the Labour Party …

15th August 2016Read More »

The latest edition of Branch Lines is now available in both electronic and paper copies. We’ve done our best to distribute paper copies before the start of the school summer holidays to all workplaces where we have members. We want to make sure you are as up to date as …

31st July 2016Read More »

In September 2015, Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party with 251,000 votes (60% of the total) giving him the largest personal mandate …

20th July 2016Read More »

Members of the West Sussex UNISON branch will be visiting the council’s main office hubs from 18 July. We’ll be giving away free ice-creams! Here are the details: Monday 18th July; 10.00-4.00pm; Durban House, Bognor Regis Tuesday 19th July; 10.00-2.00pm; Crawley Library, Crawley Wednesday 20th July; 10.00-3.00pm; Centenary House, Worthing Thursday …

9th July 2016Read More »

UNISON has commissioned NatCen Social Research to investigate the implications of public spending cuts for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people and services. You can …

8th July 2016Read More »

The government recently introduced a new Children and Social Work Bill. It is now working its way through parliament. This new piece of legislation will …

5th July 2016Read More »

Many UNISON West Sussex members will be experiencing a dreadful ongoing service from privateer rail firm Southern Railway. At the heart of this atrocious service …

2nd July 2016Read More »

The University and College Union (UCU) will be holding a one day strike to coincide with a day of strike action by the National Union …

2nd July 2016Read More »