
UNISON’s national conferences took place in Brighton this year. The Branch sent a delegation (including Karen Daubney, Deputy Branch Secretary (left) and Young Members Officer …

28th June 2016Read More »

As a branch, we would like to hear your views about the UNISON West Sussex Annual General Meeting (AGM). Take part in the survey here. …

23rd June 2016Read More »

On behalf of West Sussex branch members who may have children educated in Brighton and Hove, the Campaign for Education in Brighton and Hove and ‘Hands Off Our Schools’ have convened a public meeting to oppose the pre-privatisation of schools. It takes place at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, …

23rd June 2016Read More »

The 2016 school uniform grant scheme is now available. You can find an application form below. Please ensure UNISON receives this by 15 July 2016. …

27th May 2016Read More »

The Department for Education is currently in the process of introducing a new assessment and accreditation scheme for children and family social workers. This scheme will represent a significant change for the profession. There is the possibility that in the future participation in the scheme will become mandatory for adult …

27th May 2016Read More »

The Spring 2016 edition of Branch Lines is out now: Download your copy here! It includes two special features: one on developments in West Sussex …

23rd May 2016Read More »

The local press has now picked up branch concerns about Capita offshoring West Sussex jobs to India. Capita is currently making five redundancies and offshoring …

23rd May 2016Read More »

The University College Union (UCU) is taking national strike action on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 May. In West Sussex this will affect Chichester University. UCU members will be picketing both Chichester and Bognor Regis campuses on the mornings of both days (College Lane, Chichester and Upper Bognor Road, Bognor …

21st May 2016Read More »

The National Joint Council (NJC) has announced the new pay rates for the next two years, 2016-17 and 2017-18. Each year of the two will see salaries increase by 1%, as recently agreed between employers and the NJC trade unions: UNISON, GMB and Unite. Check the table below to see …

16th May 2016Read More »

UNISON’s national Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) met on 10 May to consider the full and final offer made by UCEA, the national higher …

16th May 2016Read More »