
Young people are being encouraged to vote ‘remain’ on 23 June to safeguard the rights of millions of workers – and their own futures. The turnout in the Europe referendum amongst young people will be decisive. It is their future that is on the line, and much of the power …

16th May 2016Read More »

Fantastic news for UNISON’s school-based members: plans to force all of England’s schools to become academies are being abandoned in a major government climbdown. The …

6th May 2016Read More »

The Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) has launched a new website which is much easier for scheme members to understand and navigate. If you make …

6th May 2016Read More »

West Sussex Retired Members’ Secretary Ruby Cox outlines some of the benefits of retaining union membership after you retire. “If like me, you were an …

6th May 2016Read More »

UNISON is piloting Personal Learning Development Grants for schools support staff. 10 awards of up to £300 each are offered to help pay for course …

6th May 2016Read More »

The Trade Union Bill has been heavily amended, but has now become law, receiving the necessary Royal Assent. UNISON lobbying has helped achieve concessions. We didn’t manage to defeat the entire Bill, but we did manage to remove several elements of it that would have irrevocably damaged the trade union …

6th May 2016Read More »

University employers have made a final offer of 1.1% increase on all points from 1 August 2016, with additional payments at the lower end of the pay spine. This offer includes the deletion of point 1 to be implemented by 1 April 2017, and an increase of 3.1% on point …

6th May 2016Read More »

Following a meeting of local government representatives from across UNISON at its NJC Committee, the union has decided to accept the pay offer from the …

28th April 2016Read More »

To take advantage of this invaluable opportunity and book your initial 30 minute consultation with a financial adviser, please contact: Rheya Taylor-Sharp on 01273 523717 or email Surgeries are free to UNISON members. Dates: Tuesday 7 June, Room 224, County Hall Chichester, PO19 1RQ Wednesday 8 June, Room 310, …

28th April 2016Read More »