
The University of Chichester has brought its cleaning services contract back in-house after being outsourced to Nviro for the past 10 years. UNISON was involved in negotiations with colleagues from the University and College Union (UCU). Vice Chancellor Professor Clive Behagg, made the announcement to all staff there last month: …

28th April 2016Read More »

UNISON took out a collective grievance on behalf of three members of the WSCC Harm Reduction Team who work with drug and alcohol users to stabilise and improve their lives. The UNISON members found out – through a Cabinet decision paper – that they were due to be outsourced to …

28th April 2016Read More »

The Branch led both the main and later evening BBC South Today news items on Friday 15th April. This was the second time the Branch …

17th April 2016Read More »

Recent public opinion regarding the continued support by Tory MPs who voted for disability cuts while acting as patrons for disability charities has resulted in …

17th April 2016Read More »

UNISON is to campaign for the UK to stay part of the European Union, and will be encouraging its 1.3 million members to vote remain …

17th April 2016Read More »

Adur & Worthing Councils are presiding over a chaotic and unnecessary commissioning fiasco which has put the jobs of 8 branch members at risk. After …

8th April 2016Read More »

The NJC trade unions (UNISON, Unite and GMB) have completed membership consultations on the LGA (Local Government Association) pay offer. Unite and UNISON – whose …

21st March 2016Read More »

The Lords have inflicted a triple blow to the government’s controversial and damaging Trade Union Bill. They overwhelmingly voted for three amendments, on: electronic balloting; …

19th March 2016Read More »

Even the Daily Telegraph has seen fit to expose the grim findings behind the alleged link between increasing adult mortality rates and the severe cuts to social care funding in local government. Preliminary data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed that in just one year, there were 5.4% …

19th March 2016Read More »

The government is drawing up plans to abolish Attendance Allowance (AA). This is a benefit payable to people over the age of 65 who have care needs, including difficulties with everyday tasks such as dressing and washing. This money can make all the difference between living and existing. We urge …

19th March 2016Read More »