
The deadline for registering as a supporter (not necessarily member) of the Labour Party – so you can vote in its leadership election – is …

10th August 2015Read More »

UNISON has decided to nominate Jeremy Corbyn as its preferred candidate for Labour Party leader and Angela Eagle as its preferred candidate for deputy leader. …

31st July 2015Read More »

We’re pleased to report that one of our West Sussex branch members was recently awarded £3,000 compensation for an injury sustained at work. Our member was physically injured during a workplace incident on the South coast. The union’s solicitors, Thompsons, were able to negotiate the settlement with the assailant’s representatives. …

16th July 2015Read More »

UNISON West Sussex will be visiting County Council office hubs at County Hall Chichester (CHC), County Hall North (CHN), Centenary House Durrington (CHD) and Durban …

15th July 2015Read More »

Please take part in our very short survey about the branch newsletter ‘Branch Lines’. It’ll take no longer than 5 minutes.  Start your survey here. …

10th July 2015Read More »

Once you have joined UNISON and are a member, for the first 4 weeks of your membership you can access one session of union advice …

10th July 2015Read More »

The result of the higher education pay consultation has been reported to the West Sussex branch. The majority of members in all regions voted to …

10th July 2015Read More »

Barnet UNISON members who still work for Barnet Council (‘easyCouncil’) have started 24-hour strike action today. The West Sussex branch supports our Barnet members’ action …

8th July 2015Read More »

Treatment for people with musculoskeletal (MSK) problems in West Sussex looks set to remain under the NHS. Coastal West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) previously …

2nd July 2015Read More »