
A reminder that winter fuel grants are available again for UNISON members having difficulty meeting their heating bills. The deadline for applications is Friday 6 …

16th January 2015Read More »

The dates, times and venues for 2015’s Annual General Meetings have now been confirmed. We wanted to give you early notification so you can get …

8th January 2015Read More »

By the end of January, we’ll be asking all UNISON West Sussex members to complete one of two questionnaires aiming to give us vital feedback on their experience of using or working for services now delivered by Capita. One survey will be targeted at members who now receive services such as pensions …

8th January 2015Read More »

Commenting on the announcement from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills that from 1 July 2015 the government will limit claims for unlawful deductions of wages to a period of two years, UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said: “This is a completely misguided panic measure from the government that …

8th January 2015Read More »

Two new editions of Branch Lines – our main newsletter and a special edition for schools and academies – are now available as pdfs to …

18th December 2014Read More »

UNISON’s response to WSCC budget UNISON West Sussex commented on WSCC’s budget plans, debated on 12 December, to cut £39million in 2015/16 and £30million in 2016/17. “The chickens are now coming home to roost,” said Branch Secretary Dan Sartin. “The council has adopted a short-sighted policy for several years of …

18th December 2014Read More »

Winter fuel grants are available again for UNISON members who are having difficulty meeting their heating bills. The grants, which are available from the union’s …

11th December 2014Read More »

UNISON West Sussex will be visiting County Council office hubs to wish our members a happy Christmas during December. We will have our stall in the canteen areas (except Crawley), where Branch Officers and Representatives will be available to discuss any workplace issues you may have and to provide advice …

11th December 2014Read More »