
15th August 2022Read More »

West Sussex County Council is trying to improve the diversity data it holds for staff, which is not as complete as it should be. UNISON …

1st August 2022Read More »

The cost-of-living crisis is hitting UNISON members at West Sussex County Council hard so we all must focus on achieving a successful NJC pay claim …

24th June 2022Read More »

We are delighted to report that after years of campaigning by UNISON West Sussex, the county council has decided to bring all its services currently …

24th June 2022Read More »

The West Sussex Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a statutory pension scheme with 80,000 members in it. Those 80,000 people are either active LGPS …

23rd June 2022Read More »

Marilyn Cox, UNISON West Sussex rep from Field Place Infant & Nursery School in Worthing, has been elected to the national UNISON Local Government Service …

21st June 2022Read More »

The Government has no solutions for working people: wages are not keeping pace with inflation now at its highest in THIRTY YEARS, many public sector …

31st May 2022Read More »

Struggling to make ends meet? Worried about back-to-school costs? Help is on hand. From 24 June 2022, UNISON’s welfare charity There For You is setting up …

31st May 2022Read More »

Lighthouse Financial Advice is offering free, one-to-one financial advice consultations exclusively to UNISON West Sussex branch members on Wednesday 13 July 2022. Date and venue: …

31st May 2022Read More »

The West Sussex branch will be visiting WSCC office hubs across the county during June. Branch officers will be on hand to discuss employment issues …

31st May 2022Read More »