
The May/June 2022 edition of Branch Lines is now available for you to download! Branch Lines – May/ June 2022 edition This edition brings you …

9th May 2022Read More »

The government’s message is simple – academise! A damaging response that will result in unnecessary structural change and having no evidence of changing pupils’ classroom experiences or better educational outcomes. This White Paper is short on new ideas. Branch Schools Convenor Keith Manville has prepared a briefing paper for all …

9th May 2022Read More »

The latest issue of HE Voice, UNISON South East’s newsletter for all members working in Higher Education, is available now. Read the latest updates below on the HE Employers’ pay offer; government plans for HE; and the fall in the number of support staff across UK universities.

9th May 2022Read More »

The West Sussex branch will be visiting WSCC hubs across the county during May so put the date in your diary and come and say …

21st April 2022Read More »

The West Sussex branch has many brilliant reps, but our rep from Field Place Infant & Nursery School in Worthing, Marilyn Cox, is one of the best! So much so, she won an award for rep of the year from our region in 2017. We’ve encouraged Marilyn to stand for …

21st April 2022Read More »

Take part in NJC Pay 2022-23 Branch Consultation But first, please read our briefing on pay and the options before you, below. The UNISON NJC …

21st March 2022Read More »

NJC pay for 2021-22 for England, Wales and Northern Ireland has now been settled. The final pay offer of 1.75% (2.75% for those on the …

1st March 2022Read More »

We’re excited to announce our UNISON member discount has been increased to 20% off! UNISON members will now get the discount on all regular tariff rates. …

28th February 2022Read More »

With UK nations set to remove some or all COVID-19 restrictions in the coming weeks, UNISON is urging employers not to let their guard down, …

31st January 2022Read More »