Branch committee

Our UNISON branch is governed by a committee made up of UNISON West Sussex workplace representatives and officers. The branch committee oversees the work of the branch and agree its strategy and development priorities. Branch officers take on additional responsibilities for specific areas. All these posts are open to election by the branch membership annually.

Ian Harvey

Chair/ Other Departments Convenor 01243 642330

Dan Sartin

Branch Secretary/ Labour Link Officer 01243 777636

Karen Daubney

Deputy Branch Secretary/ Health & Safety Officer 01243 777636

Sarah Etherington

Vice Chair / CYPL Convenor/ Disabled Members Officer 01243 777636

Jennie Barrett

Treasurer 01243 777636

Keith Manville

Schools Convenor 01243 777636

Jackie Gatenby

Environmental Officer 01243 777636

Saubye Majeed

Black Members Officer 01243 777636

Hu Evans

LGBT+ Officer 01243 777636

Vicky Millis

Women's Officer 01243 777636

Sam Cordingley

Health & Safety Officer 01243 777636

Araminta Barlow

Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator 01243 777636

Tim Stretton

Pensions Officer 01243 777636

Clive Coleman

Retired Members Secretary 01243 777636

Karen Fenn

Welfare Officer 01243 777636

Chloe Pascovitch

Young Members Officer 033022 22372

Nicola Brokenshire

Workplace rep 01243 777636

Jo Cooke

Workplace rep 01243 777636

Karen Fisher

Workplace rep 01243 777636

Paul Gibson

Workplace rep 01243 777636

Tim Halpin

Workplace rep 01243 777636

Carla Hardy

Workplace rep 01243 777636

Paula Herbert

Workplace rep 01243 777636

Lorraine Solti

Workplace rep 01243 871010

Carol Wilkinson

Workplace rep 01243 777636