What our members say about us

September 2024

26th September:
I am extremely grateful for the support I’ve received from Unison, particularly XXXXXX and relieved that the saga has finally concluded.

July 2024

23rd July: 
I just want to say a big thank you to you, for your kindness and caring nature towards me. I really do appreciate all the help I am getting. 

June 2024

18th June:
First of all I want to thank you for all your endeavours and efforts you have put in to make sure I am comfortable, above all that my given rights are excised…. you did well in the hearings and am sure some points you raised in there especially in the appeal, they will help others… you are doing such a brilliant job with my phased in return, to make sure they get it right. 

17th June:
Thank you for the incredible support during this TUPE process. It has been very appreciated.

May 2024

17th May:
My reply was very reassuring. I’m happy with it! Thank you for escalating this so quickly, I think it really made a difference!

16th May: 
I’ve heard back from payroll to say, yes I am entitled to a long term increment – and that it will be rectified at the next pay date. Many thanks for your help and support.

10th May:
Thank you for your kind prompt response. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

2nd May:
I have just finished a phone call from ****** she is a lovely member of your team . I would really like her to be my representative at my meeting.

January 2024

16th January:
I would like thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you have given me through this awful time. The legislation and the information you have supplied has been informative and surpassed sufficiency it has helped so much. Your opening statement and closing statements were fantastic. I really couldn’t have got through without your professionalism, support and help. Even though it ended on a warning the actual allegations were dropped so I am willing to accept the outcome. Thank you again for all your help and staying so late.

December 2023

20th December:
Thanks, XXXXXXXX, for your help in getting this sorted!

November 2023

23rd November:
I can’t thank you enough for all your help XXXXXX. I couldn’t have done it without you.

16th November:
XXXXX would like to thank you for your time this afternoon  and for being so helpful.

September 2023

25th September:
Both XXXXXXXXX & XXXXXXXXX have been looking after me since around 20XX and without them, I truly would’ve been lost, not only emotionally & mentally with all that’s gone on, but with support, someone on my side that knows the policies & procedures inside out. XXXXXXXXX, lately, has had so many emails & meetings with me regarding a possible redundancy, that again, I would have been left out on a limb if it wasn’t for them (and this goes for XXXXXXXXX too).
XXXXXXXXX has been a great support to me, when I honestly didn’t think I’d make it through another day here. I was all over the place of not knowing what to do, how to go about things & certainly me not knowing the policies inside out. XXXXXXXXX had time whenever I needed him to listen & help me with advice & attending meetings with me.
XXXXXXXXX & XXXXXXXXX ‘s knowledge is second to none, their support, guidance, knowledge & general help & shoulder to lean on is truly second to none. Without their continued support & knowing I have them here, in my corner to guide me when needed, I honestly don’t think I’d be where I am now.

14th September:
That is brilliant, thank you so much for your really kind and speedy reply it is much appreciated.

August 2023

18th August:
I wanted to send you a quick email as my case that was being managed by XXXXXXXXXXXX has just concluded. I wanted to let you know how well XXXXXXXXXXXX supported me throughout the case and how safe and supported she made me feel throughout. Please pass on my appreciation to her as she made a very stressful and difficult time for me so much easier! 

14th August:
Just wanted to say thank you for your help, you’ve been amazing. Not sure what will be the outcome eventually but your support and advice has made a real difference to me moving forward positively.

June 2023

29th June:
I just wanted to say that I really appreciated the support and kindness I received during my recent case with West Sussex. XXXXXX  was amazing and I don’t think I would have got through it without her. Please could you thank XXXXXX for me.

8th June:
Thank you so much for all your support. I really appreciate everything you have done for me. Your communication with me was excellent and I felt your advice, determination and dedication was instrumental in obtaining the absolute best outcome possible for myself. I am very grateful to you for handling my case.

April 2023

28th April:
I have had the need for Unison support since December 2022. XXXXXX has been an amazing source of support these past, nearly, five months. XXXXXX had always kept me up to date on any information I need, advocated for rights I didn’t even know I had and was a strong presence in any meeting I had. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to go through the fight I have had with my employer without XXXXXX being there for me and helping me fight for my employee rights. 

XXXXXX, you are a credit to Unison. Thank you.

March 2023

20th March:
Thank you so much for explaining this to me, it makes perfect sense how you have explained it- I just wish HR could have explained it like this, so I didn’t have to keep emailing them/ contact Unison!

3rd March:
Thanks for keeping members informed and for all your hard work on our behalf.

January 2023

26th January:
A good result given their reluctance. Thank you so much for your help with all this, I really appreciate having had you in my corner. 

16th January:
Thank you for your time and advice, it was very helpful and reassuring. I will not hesitate to contact you again should I need to. Both you and the other member of the team that took my first call were supportive and friendly, I found this a great help when talking. 

5th January:
XXXXXXX, I would like to express my gratitude for being there for me during a very difficult time. Your concern made me go through it all easier. I’m glad to see in you not only a unison supporter but also a true work colleague. I will always remember what you did for me! XXXXXXX has immense experience in dealing with complex cases at difficult times.  Thank you for showing your support every day even when I went through really difficult times for me! I appreciated the time you took from your busy schedule to take care of my problems. I’m writing to thank you for taking on the extra hours when I suddenly had to be absent from work. I know it wasn’t easy for you and that’s why I wanted to put my gratitude in writing. I’m truly lucky to have a Unison representative like you!

December 2022

20th December:
Just wanted to say I’m not sure whether it was related or a routine visit – but thank you for visiting us today. It was greatly appreciated 😃

November 2022

18th November:
I just wanted to make you aware of how grateful I am for XXXXXX’s support and guidance in the grievance I brought against my line manager for bullying and harassment which concluded in the Appeal outcome hearing yesterday.  This was quite a protracted matter which I found incredibly stressful but XXXXXX was always there for me when I needed him, on many occasions at short notice.  He always explained the process and what it would entail, providing me with alternative options to consider to resolve certain issues.  He kept me grounded, with his calm and reassuring manner. Always being honest with me and never raising my expectations.

At the grievance hearing, appeal hearing which he accompanied me to as they were both held in person and appeal outcome hearing he really came into his own with his vast knowledgeable and professionalism challenging and clarifying matters with the Chair when necessary.

XXXXXX’s knowledge surpasses that of managers as he gently reminded them that they were not following the correct procedures. This takes courage especially when dealing with individuals who are in senior management roles. XXXXXX has integrity and moral courage for which I am most grateful.

Thank you so much XXXXXX for all your support. I honestly, do not know how I would have coped without you.

17th November:
I would like to take this opportunity and say a huge thank you for your support.

15th November:
First of all I would like to say thank you to XXXXX for all support provided! He demonstrated professionalism and it helped me to receive a positive outcome. At the beginning I was a bit sceptical; however, I was convinced from the moment I was contacted by XXXXXXX that this would be a smooth process with a positive outcome. Again, thank you very much and I highly recommend UNISON, especially XXXXXXX, for support with regards work related issues.

4th November:
Thank you for our settlement [NJC pay 2022-23].  Thank you for working so hard for us.

4th November:
I really just wanted to thank you for working so hard on our behalf to negotiate a pay rise and extra days Annual Leave, I really appreciate the work you do for us all. I wasn’t sure who exactly to thank or whether it was all of you so thank you so very much 😊

October 2022

14th October:
Thank you for all your efforts and support. 

12th October:
After further discussion with my employers today regarding the owed annual leave (I did mention that I had spoken to Unison) they have made an exceptional decision to wipe off the debt of XXXXXXX. The service manager has also spoken to the office staff to ensure that I get my allocated hours every week until I leave. This is a really good result for me so thank you for your advice and help. Thank goodness I belong to Unison!!

September 2022

26th September:
I was very happy with the assistance that I received from XXXXXXXXX and UNISON, who  managed to achieve my desired outcome. I am fully confident that should events have taken the route of XXXXXXX looking to bring disciplinary charges against me that XXXXXXXXXX would have been able to assist me and win any appeal to overturn XXXXXXXXXXXXX management decision.

26th September:
I have used Unison twice, and I have found the two representatives very friendly helpful and very knowledgeable. Would recommend every one becomes a member.

August 2022

31st August:
XXXXXX was so very considered and informed in their approach and was very helpful and supportive in their role.

31st August:
Very pleased with the help given to me.

9th August:
I have been off work due to long term sickness and have been wonderfully supported by XXXXXXXX in your Chichester branch to gain a good level ill-health pension which I have been very grateful for and she has really helped me. 

July 2022

29th July:
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all your help and support, provided to me with my case so far, taking into account everything had to be arranged in an extremely limited amount of time. Please say thank you and my huge appreciation to all members of the Unison Team, anyone who has been involved with my case since last week when I first contacted Unison. The outcomes of the meeting were brilliant.

23rd July:
I have been extremely satisfied with the support I have received from you and I am dearly grateful. Thank you.

15th July:
Thank you for the update and clarification of what the Unison solicitors believe I may be entitled to. Please go ahead with the tribunal as soon as you think it should. I would like to also take the opportunity to thank everyone involved to date, the support I’ve received so far has been immeasurable!

14th July:
I was looked after from the start of my enquiry. Well worth the monthly fee!

14th July:
UNISON was extremely helpful in getting me to consider broader options and worked well with my manager to help resolve the dispute informally.

12th July:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you enormously for all the time and effort that you put  into my case. You were fantastic and made me feel so much safer at all times. Many, many thanks.

May 2022

29th May:
I have now received the backpay to XXXXXXXXXXX into my account from XXXXXXXXXX, so that is the last outstanding issue regarding the redundancy process resolved. I’ve therefore now cancelled my direct debit to Unison, but wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for all your help throughout the process. Your support and expertise has been invaluable and made the process a lot less stressful. Much appreciated.

24th May:
The support from UNISON was fantastic I couldn’t fault it! It really does pay off, you were all so helpful and honest! Thank you so much. 

17th May:
I am free!! Thank you so much for all your help, support and encouragement over the last few months. I really couldn’t have got through this as well as I have without you! Thank you again.

March 2022

3rd March:
Thanks for your quick reply which as always is most helpful. I have now written to HR to make my claim.

February 2022

16th February:
Yes I have returned permanently to work so I am happy to close the case. Thank you so much for your support and guidance during a stressful time for me. I really appreciate all the help you have given me.

January 2022

10th January:
I hope you received sent to your office my acknowledgment of your work on my case, particularly so that your seniors are aware of your dedicated support without which I would not have achieved such a successful outcome. With the help from Unison I was able to achieve the outcome that I had wanted. The outcome was the best I could have hoped for, and was achieved with the dedicated and most professional support from my Unison Rep XXXXXXXXXX.

10th January:
Thank you again for representing me in the disciplinary investigation. It was a stressful situation but you were always there.

December 2021

15th December:
I want to give my feedback about my recent case with my previous employer that XXXXXX helped me so much, to be honest, the result was more than I expected, I want to say thank you for his brilliant and hard work in my case, he was exceptional, professional and really helpful. 

2nd December:
I have now managed to catch up with XXXXXXXXX and she has been very helpful. She is doing such a good job in very challenging times!

November 2021

11th November:
I would like to bring to your attention the excellent support I received from my union rep XXXXXXX. My case was a very challenging one and has lasted for 6 months, and XXXXXXX has been nothing but professional, supportive and amazing. XXXXXXX has been with me all of the way and always a phone call away, without this lovely dedicated lady I wouldn’t of got through the last 6 months. I highly recommend her to everyone, a colleague of mine is joining and I’ve already told her to ask for XXXXXXXX if she ever needs a union rep. I can’t thank her enough she is an asset to your union and really knows her stuff.

4th November:
I really want to let you both know how hugely thankful I am for the support of Unison. You have both helped me out of an appalling situation. Also I want to say that I am so impressed by XXXXXXXXX’s expertise, her attention to detail and communication skills are really top notch.

October 2021

12th October:
I would like to thank ***** with his help today. It was a very helpful conversation and a true professional.  

August 2021

3rd August:
I can’t thank you enough for all your help. You just stop them in their tracks every time they come up with something. You were too clever for them. I am so happy that I have got you as my union rep. You certainly know your job. I will definitely be recommending you to other people and give them your phone number. I will always keep your number just in case I need you again. I would not want anybody else but you. Thank you once again.

July 2021

19th July:
I want to thank you for your support this morning. I really appreciated you listening to my anxiety and all that I was stressed about.

June 2021

29th June:
Thank you for your support and help over the last few years.

11th June:
Thank you so much for your very valued support. You are a credit to Unison!!

11th June:
I would just like to praise XXXXXXXXXXX. She has been nothing but supportive and efficient with my ongoing issues at work. She is a credit to your branch. 

2nd June:
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for helping me with this issue! And, what a positive result! Thank you for your caring and positive attitude, making me feel fully supported by yourself and UNISON. I do appreciate it.

May 2021

24th May:
I wanted to say a huge thank you for your team’s support. I did speak to XXXXXXXX directly but am well aware of how much support came from other team members. 2 years 8 months to go through, this has been really difficult but I have always had excellent support and advice and calmness when needed. Anyway wanted to say a really big thank you to you and your team.

20th May:
Just wanted to say again how much I appreciate what you have done over the last couple of weeks. The result today was far better than I could have expected and this is mainly down to you and the huge amount of work you gave to my case at such short notice. Clearly, your evidence, summary and the points that you raised in the meeting went a long way towards the panel concluding as they did. You are a credit to your service.

11th May:
Thank you ever so much, XXXXXXX, I think this is a good outcome. Your persistence has really paid off.

7th May:
You attended every absence and wellbeing monitoring meeting with me and always made sure my needs were at the centre of all discussions and that agreed actions were fully reflective of WSCC policies and procedures… thank  you so much for all you have done for and with me, for your support and professionalism and I really believe the service you have provided me is truly out-standing. I will never forget your kindness and support and I would happily recommend you and Unison to anyone who asked me.

April 2021

29th April:
Once again many thanks for all your support and help during this process and that of the Unison office staff.

7th April:
I want to thank UNISON and in particular my Caseworker for the help and support XXXXXX gave in succeeding in a claim against my employer. XXXXXX very noticeably working very quickly, and highly efficiently. No delays… and success. XXXXXX took up my case in a very professional manner straight away maintaining a positive & good working relationship with the Head of HR, succeeding in my case. More than 10 out of 10, definitely.

February 2021

16th February:
Thank you both so much for all your help, this gives me a lot of reassurance to know that you are there to support me.

16th February:
I have been on sick leave on no pay since XXXXXX and XXXXXXX has been helping /advising me throughout. I start a new four week trial next XXXXXXXXX in a new role so will hopefully be back on payroll soon. The help I have received has been amazing from XXXXXXXX.

January 2021

28th January:
I would just like to say that I had never belonged to a union before UNISON (I had never needed to) and was slightly wary of it. Over my XX years with WSCC I have needed your services twice and was very pleased with the outcomes – so thank you very much.

December 2020

8th December:
I think everything with my pension is sorted now so I just wanted to say a very big thank you for your help and support through the retirement process. I couldn’t have asked for better support, you’ve always been so on the ball and I’ve felt very confident in you from the start.

November 2020

24th November:
After being supported by XXXXXX through an ill health retirement assessment process with HR and Occupational Health, I wanted to let you know that I have been very grateful for the the input from XXXXXXX.
Unfortunately after XX years service in WSCC the health conditions I had developed and begun to struggle with caused me to have to go off sick and to go through meetings in relation to the sickness policy and then ill health retirement. Whilst having been a manager for a number of years I was familiar to some extent with the processes involved, but being on the receiving side of the process obviously had a very different feel to the situation. However I got there in the end with the best ill health pension available for my circumstances and health conditions.
As I have said to XXXXXXX I could not have gone through dealing with this without his support. When ever I contacted him he listened to me letting off steam and gave his advice where relevant. I was able to think things through both in my discussions with XXXXXXXXX and in my reflections afterwards because he was calm and focused on the matter in hand. When XXXXXXX agreed to find something out for me he did so in a timely way. 
I have thanked XXXXXXXX for his help and support already, but also wanted to give you my feedback so that you can be aware of how helpful he has been and how grateful I am to this service from Unison. 

18th November:
Over the past nearly 2 years I’ve had assistance from my Unison rep XXXXXXXXX. I would like to say how much of a help she has been. She has been extremely calm in a crisis and explained processes so well to me.  I’ve required representation from Unison as I was going through levels of sickness and phased return issues.
She has such a calm, focused and knowledgeable demeanour that she put me at ease during these very tense management meetings. I would  just like to reiterate that XXXXXXXXXX is a fantastic Unison rep and I’m so glad to have met her.  I hope that you will be able to pass on my thanks and my gratitude to her as she is a shining light out of the darkness.

9th November:
I would like to thank you for all the help and care you gave me. This period has opened my eyes to how important UNISON is when needing guidance and help.

October 2020

3rd October:
I would like to thank you for your very helpful and kind advice and support, especially in the telephone meeting and emails to HR. I would not have got to this place without you, they would have sacked me by now. I am not easily bullied but at times it felt that way, as when you are in a vulnerable state, off sick, it is easy to succumb.

September 2020

17th September:
Having just finished the phone call with XXXXXXXXXXXX, and having achieved such a positive outcome, I wanted to thank you so much for your help and support with my grievance.  I know that it has been a real slog, and hard work, but you have been so understanding – this has made such a difference to me personally, and the organisation.  I really could not have done this without you – thank you.

11th September:
I just wanted to update you on this issue and I am happy to inform you that XXXXXXXX finally admitted fault and has paid me my August pay. Thank you for all your advice and support on this matter, it was really comforting to know that I wasn’t alone and I don’t think I would have received the above outcome without the support of UNISON.

3rd September:
Thank you as well for all your support.  We are like the three musketeers.  We would not have done it without you. xxx

August 2020

28th August:
I was successful in being awarded the grant from Unison towards my University studies of £500, I am delighted with this. I can now purchase a much needed laptop and a comfy office chair, both really needed. Thank you for all your support.

27th August:
A big thank you and XXXXX for the meeting. You have given me some useful pointers to raise with my employers.

27th August:
Thank you so much for the Zoom meeting, I found it very useful! Good to know there is plenty of help if we need it. Unison were brilliant when I needed help before. Fingers crossed the next few weeks go smoothly!

27th August:
Thank you, very informative and useful advice and guidance from both of you. Feeling a little more confident knowing what support is there if required.

25th August:
Just wanted to thank you so much for helping me in sorting out my flexible working request with my employer/HR department. 
I’m over the moon about the positive outcome and how efficiently and amicably you resolved it.  It impressed me how quickly you were able to clarify the issues and determine the legal obligations of the company and then communicate this clearly to the relevant people. I was unable to do this on my own and was getting nowhere with both managers and the HR lead. Thank you as well for being proactive in reminding me to chase it up for the final decision.
This kind of support is well worth the subscription fee!

21st August:
Thanks for your support today XXXXXXX, it’s really appreciated. I’m so grateful for the support from yourself & the Unison West Sussex team these past 4 years or so. Highly valuable & indispensable. 

11th August:
Many thanks XXXXXX. You have worked tirelessly for me these last few months for which I am grateful. I think I will draw a line under this as I would seriously like to get rid of all my paperwork! I shall concentrate on my new job now which is great.

10th August:
I have been a member for nearly 18 years and I have to say I needed support in my working career and XXXXXXXXXX from the West Sussex branch has been my rock and advised me wisely. We had a good result from her wisdom and knowledge and I really cannot thank her enough.

10th August:
XXXXXX provided me with highly professional and superb support whilst I was working at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and needed Union assistance at several times during my employment.
He was always calm, considerate, objective and incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. My husband and I were very impressed with XXXXXX and his approach, kindness and wisdom. We honestly do not know what we would have done without Unison help and XXXXXX’s support at stressful meetings, while finding our way through complex processes during an incredibly difficult and challenging time.
XXXXXXX supported me and helped me negotiate a return to work after an absence of six months due to health issues and then kept in touch with me to check how things were going. He then helped me as further issues arose in my workplace and finally assisted me with helpful information so I could make my own decision around my employment options.
He has been akin to a “guardian angel” and my husband and I are indebted to him for his outstanding support.

5th August:
XXXXXXX, thank you for supporting me through this episode in my life of big decisions and being there! You are an amazing lady! Thank you again.

4th August:
So I guess we are all done, thank you so much for all your support and help recently, I can’t quite believe it’s been since March, the whole experience feels like 4 weeks. I meant to message yesterday morning but the last two days have flown by and I finally feel I have a purpose again, so definitely the right course of action. I have a little something to say thank you so would like to be able to pass that on to you or leave at WSCC whichever is easiest for you. Thank you again.

July 2020

31st July:
I would like to say how much I have valued XXXXXXXXXX’s assistance to me during the ill health retirement process. She has been empathetic, reassuring and her knowledge has always been spot on – I’ve always felt in very capable hands during a difficult time. I can’t praise XXXXXXXX enough and I would definitely recommend her to anyone. I would also like to thank UNISON for providing this support to me.

10th July:
Thanks to XXXXXXXXXX, YYYYYYYYYY and everyone else at the West Sussex branch of UNISON involved in my case, I have been reinstated to West Sussex County Council employment while I undergo a four week suitability trial at ZZZZZZZZZZ.

June 2020

13th June:
Wow! I still cannot believe it! I can finally stop fighting. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and the continued support you gave by coming back to help me. Thank you again for everything.

9th June:
Thanks so much for your prompt reply, and very helpful.

7th June:
I would like to thank you for all your help and support whilst going through a difficult period. I received a good pension package and thank you for your assistance.

May 2020

29th May:
Thank you so much for your call. I really appreciate you taking time to ring, and your thoughts. I think you all do such great work and are not appreciated enough. I follow all your news and I know there are some very important things you are working on.

27th May:
Thank you so much for your help in sorting this all out, I really do appreciate it. I was so surprised and disappointed by the reaction I received from my line manager and your support was really reassuring.

26th May:
Lastly I would like to go on record and thank XXXXXXXXXX for his all his hard work on my behalf, he really has been incredible both in the time and effort he has put in to this, and in keeping me up to date with progress and his encouragement to me.

20th May:
Just a big thank you for all the great support you gave me during my grievance process. I never felt out of the loop and you went out of your way to get to the finish line. We were pleased with the outcome.

19th May:
XXXXXXXX, may I also thank you for your hard work and tenacity in seeing this matter through.

5th May:
Thanks, that’s good news and much appreciated by myself and other colleagues.

April 2020

16th April:
Thank you for all of your work in achieving this result. You’ve been a brilliant support through the whole process, your commitment went above and beyond what I could have expected.

6th April:
Thanks XXXXXXXXX, very helpful and supportive.

6th April:
Just wanted to say that having just had my meeting with HR, XXXXXXX was an outstanding rep and did a great job – very good to have him in there with me.

March 2020

27th March:
I’m more than happy!

25th March:
I wanted to thank you for sorting out my redundancy money being put into my account, I really appreciate it, it was in my account this morning. Thank you for working your magic.

9th March:
I am moving away altogether [so leaving UNISON]. Thank you for the good work you all do, representing and defending our rights and improving the conditions we work in.

5th March:
In light of recent events, might not be a bad idea to join a union. I know it is a bit of a sales pitch but truth is when it comes to a stand up for yourself, not having representation means that odds are not in your favour and companies tend to misbehave betting on our lack of knowledge and intimidation tactics. [email from member to fellow colleagues after receiving branch support]

4th March:
Many thanks for your thorough advice, this was really useful. I will definitely maintain my membership with UNISON and I will wait till I have full membership rights, because I am very pleased with how you are dealing with members’ issues. I wish I could have started with UNISON before, because I was a member of a different union for more than 5 years, but when I asked for help they did not do anything.

3rd March:
Spoke to XXXXX on Friday and she told me I have a job and the hours that I need. So I’m all happy and thanks for your help.

January 2020

24th January:
Thanks for this XXXXX – I note the UNISON support for XXXXXXX issues which is really appreciated. Thank you UNISON!

17th January:
Thanks XXXXXXX, great news. I definitely owe you a drink! Thanks to you and XXXXXXX for your help.

10th January:
I just wanted to send my best and well done to Dan on covering everything happening here on South Today.

9th January:
I received the written contract yesterday from X and X has been communicating with me and has been very helpful. I signed the contract and posted it back today. Thank you to you and Unison for all of your help in this matter. It is much appreciated and I certainly wouldn’t have got this outcome without you!

6th January:
I am pleased to say that I have been offered and accepted a permanent role. Therefore, the compulsory redundancy process has ceased and the offer of voluntary redundancy has been withdrawn. I would like to thank you for your time that you have given as my case holder.

December 2019

20th December:
Thank you for all your support and all your hard work. I honestly do not know where I, and we, would have been without you. Your support has been incredible and it is so appreciated. Just thanks for everything and thanks for standing up for us. We are so grateful.

5th December:
Please see the below email. You are a miracle worker… They have been resisting increasing the team for months! Then hey presto, I am impressed.

5th December:
As far as Unison and your support throughout this process, I have nothing but positive feedback and am extremely grateful. Everyone has been supportive and understanding and the advice and emotional support was invaluable. You personally have been very kind, professional, knowledgeable, thorough and supportive of me even when I was struggling to keep it together! I do not know what I would have done without you. Thank you so much.

2nd December:
Thanks again XXXXXXX for all your hard work – you and your team have been there for me and my family during a really difficult time.

November 2019

22nd November:
I am retiring from West Sussex and wanted to ask how I go about paying to be a retired member of UNISON. Also wanted to thank you both for the support you have given me over the years.

7th November:
I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of the school for your support of XXXXXXX during a difficult time in her life and your professional approach to meetings at school. Your approach helped XXXXXXX but also enabled the school (myself) to conduct ourselves under the absence policy in the correct and sensitive manner it should be. You on behalf of UNISON maintained my view that good union support is invaluable at a time when individuals need it.

5th November:
Just to advise XXX rang and has agreed to my proposals. Thank you for your support.

October 2019

9th October:
I can’t begin to thank you or put into words my appreciation. You have been wonderfully supportive and achieved a great outcome for me. You should be very proud of what you do for members. Don’t ever give up the fight.

7th October:
Keep up the good work. Proud to be a member.

7th October:
Thank you for all your help XXXXXX – very proud to be a UNISON member, your support and that of your team is magnificent.

September 2019

23rd September:
I just wanted to email and say again I appreciate your help, and reiterate what I said. A few months back I said to my husband I thought I would cancel my unison subscription, based on the fact that I’d never intentionally do anything wrong, and we needed the money. He said don’t, as the minute you do, you’ll need them! I’m so glad I didn’t, as I wouldn’t have managed the last few months without you.

20th September:
Just wanted to let you know that XXXXXXX was really helpful and supportive with my sickness absence case.  Having advice from an informed, objective and experienced rep when I was at a low ebb was unbelievably valuable. Hopefully its been put to bed now as I’m back at work.  A lot of my responsibilities have been redistributed and we have a new member of the team.  I feel a lot more positive about things generally. Thank you again.

13th September:
Thank you for all your help and support over the restructuring and academisation, which as you know is now not going ahead. It seems to me we had a very narrow escape there!

11th September:
Can I just say thank you to both of you for your support so far, as obviously your support of the concerns has been heard.

10th September:
I just wanted to email you and say thank you for all the help with my recent disciplinary and appeal. Both yourself and XXXXX made it an easy and stress free process and helped me get the decision overturned. I had never had a written warning and wasn’t looking forward to having one on my file. Working with both of you made it so much easier, you helped with phrasing the appeal, noticed the problems and inconsistencies and kept the pressure on the XXXXXXX management team so it couldn’t be brushed off.

August 2019

15th August:
Thanks X, appreciate your time again. You are a good chap. Unison members are fortunate to have you.

14th August:
Thank you very much for standing with me in this case. It is absolutely for your support, wisdom and professionalism that this case was won. For the people like me, who are foreign in this country and lack confidence and ability to speak out , it is very important that someone hears and understands us.  Thank you for being my voice.

July 2019

24th July:
This is the best result for me all round, to say I’m ecstatic is an understatement. I want to thank you for all your support and help with everything.

23rd July:
I’m satisfied – and thrilled – that it’s now resolved! Thank you so much for all your help and perseverance with this.

11th July:
Just a quick email to say we think you and XXXXX did a fantastic job with your speeches at Select yesterday. You both complemented each other brilliantly. Let’s hope they actually listen to what’s been said now! Thanks so much for giving us a voice.

10th July:
I would like to say a massive thank you to you for helping and supporting me through the very difficult dismissal process that I have just been through. You made it much more tolerable and were always full of sound advice. Another massive thank you for referring me to see the financial adviser at Centenary House last week, where the news from him about my pension was almost life changing. Thank you once again for all your support.

10th July:
I wanted to let you know how supportive, professional and empowering XXXXXX has been to me. The endless meetings and emails have been very stressful and without the guidance from XXXXX I am sure I wouldn’t have got my resolution and closure on the case.  I have decided to retire early but that is primarily because the whole process highlighted to me that I just do not want to work in a team which fails to enact the West Sussex policies in the way they are meant.  However, by virtue of the meetings and with XXXXXX by my side I feel sure that ‘lessons have been learnt’ and change going forward will happen and although I may not benefit others following on behind will. I will still go and speak with Nathan before I leave and I will let him now how well I have been supported by UNISON. In fact you got a mention when I met with XXXXXX today who is overseeing the new Health and Wellbeing Survey. I let him know just how the support had prevented me from having a full blown meltdown and he was delighted to hear it.

June 2019

26th June:
Just to say keep on fighting for our best interests. It is appreciated.

3rd June:
Thanks XXXXXX. A perfect explanation as always.

May 2019

23rd May:
Thank you so much for your prompt reply. You have cleared a few things up for me that were going around in my brain! Many thanks again.

17th May:
I am grateful to you, XXXXXX and the whole team, for the support I received from you, so thank you.

16th May:
I just wanted to say thank you for your brilliant contribution yesterday at Select.  I am sure that the staff who heard it will be so pleased to hear that Unison really brought their voice to the table. Thanks again.

16th May:
I do want to say again thank you for your support.

14th May:
Just to say I had the appraisal decision overturned – thanks for your input with this.

13th May:
We thank you very much for all the support that you have given us through this process.

April 2019

13th April:
Just wanted to say ‘Thank you’ for all your help & support, I don’t know how I could have got through things without the Union, XXXXXX [workplace rep] & yourself [branch officer].

2nd April:
Thank you for today. Feeling happier now there is potentially another option. I will definitely be calling on you for help and support. It’s good to know we have you on our side.

1st April:
Whatever happens following yesterday’s meeting I just wanted to formally record my huge appreciation for all the support that you have given me over the last few months, and in particular thank you for your ‘work’ yesterday. I went into the meeting not expecting to get any positive results, however due to your tactics, your approach, the way you expressed your questions and the way you managed the meeting, I am now wondering whether there is a chance of getting some positive results. It isn’t clear what will happen, but even if things don’t go my way, I fully believe that yesterday you put me in the best position possible. A massive thank you for all you have done.

March 2019

28th March:
Thank you for all your help XXXXX. In the circumstances, a very positive outcome.

28th March:
I just wanted to say please feel free, if appropriate, to mention my case and the ongoing battles I am still having and the tremendous support I have had from you and now XXXXXXXXX. I still feel I have a long way to go as my management and HR show no signs of bringing this to a resolution which is acceptable to all parties. But knowing I have the support of UNISON has given me the necessary strength to keep going.

22nd March:
Just wanted to say thank you for everything at the meeting today. Everything that you have done is very much appreciated. Throughout the meeting we did pick up that [the manager] is very much apologetic for the way things have turned out. Thanks again for everything.

21st March:
Just wanted to thank you again for yesterday; I thought you were great in the meeting. Hopefully we get a favourable outcome.

12th March:
Thank you for all of your help and advice, I have found it useful and now feel confident to move forward.

12th March:
Thanks. Your advice is much appreciated.

8th March:
Dee Chauhan has been my Case Worker and I do not know how I would have coped if she hadn’t been there to help and guide me. I have had cancer and have been off sick for over a year and therefore was on zero pay. I cannot praise her enough for understanding and knowledge of the school system. Please pass on my thanks to Dee and once again thank you so much for the support.

February 2019

28th February:
Several measures have been put in place to make the situation more manageable and things seem to be running smoothly at the moment, so thank you for your support!

27th February:
I cannot say enough times how very grateful I have been for your advice, guidance and support over the last X months, I honestly don’t think I would have been able to complete the journey without it, and I am glad that I did complete the journey. Thank you for helping me with that.

January 2019

18th January:
I’ve heard the happy news that the pay increase has been agreed fully now and just wanted to thank you for all your support on the issue. It will make a big difference to XXXXXXXX and will also help keep our team stable.

14th January:
I will be retiring from West Sussex County Council. I have been a member of Unison for my entire career in Local Government. Fortunately I haven’t had cause to call on the Union for assistance but do appreciate the work you do in negotiating pay rises and championing employees’ rights. Thank you.

7th January:
I know my journey isn’t over yet, but I would like to say a special thank you to you for your continued help and advice and total support through my horrid time.

December 2018

20th December:
My apologies for the lateness of this but I mean to email to thank you for raising – successfully – this issue with Capita. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

14th December:
Thanks XXXXX and thanks also for your on-going support.

7th December:
I can’t thank the girls who helped me from your office enough.

6th December:
So that’s that then! Thank you hugely for all your advice and support, I have really appreciated it.

November 2018

30th November:
Thank you for listening yesterday, when I was distressed. My team manager has contacted HR for clarification and she has been advised not to progress with the process as there is insufficient evidence to take this route. I am happy with the outcome. Looking back, I am glad that I joined UNISON and I will encourage every new staff on my team to join because workers do not know what can happen during their employment.

21st November:
Just wanted to say a huge thank you! Thank you so much for all your help, support and guidance during my very difficult time at work. You were so kind and understanding and took your time to listen and give fantastic advice. I’m so grateful to you and to UNISON, I have no idea what I would’ve done without your help. Thank god I joined UNISON. Honestly can’t thank you enough, and for getting an awesome result for me. You’re a lovely, kind lady who definitely knows her stuff! Thanks again, so so much!

15th November:
Thank you so much for your valuable time yesterday and for the advice you were able to give. Thank you also for your good wishes and it is people like you within the organisation that it has been a pleasure to work with over the years.

8th November:
I am happy to say Laurence who works at Unison West Sussex is the best person to work with. I do recommend him as my friend, pal and uncle. I had the great pleasure working with him yesterday. He is patient, friendly, approachable, believes in facts of information and very professional. I hope he will be my solicitor in the future if God bless me with a big company. In fact, I will end here by saying he has been doing his work well. Well done Laurence and may God bless you and your family.

7th November:
Just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for UNISON’s support in the recent pay debacle. Once again thanks for all your hard work on this.

2nd November:
Thank you for clarifying this matter, I am very grateful for your swift assistance and information.

October 2018

9th October:
Thank you for the support provided, it was invaluable.

8th October:
I’m back doing my full time… I would like to say a big thank you for your time and help, it is much appreciated.

September 2018

7th September:
So in the end it has all worked out nicely for me… Thank you for your advice at the time.

August 2018

28th August:
During the last two years in my 26 years at XXXXXXXX School, following a change in Management, it was unfortunately necessary for my colleagues to seek support from Unison through our rep XXXXXXXX. James Ellis also worked very hard on their behalf and successfully opposed the very unfair changes that the management were attempting to impose upon some of our support staff. I witnessed the stress and anguish my colleagues endured for months so really do value the help that Unison does offer.

8th August:
I really thank you for contacting XXXXXX so promptly yesterday because it appears that immediate action has happened, and we haven’t had to be in the situation for 10 days like last time. But really, we shouldn’t have to phone or take photos when the sanitary bins need collecting.

3rd August:
Thanks for this. Will leave contacting the solicitors until early next week with the aim of an appointment early the following week. I had the best nights sleep I have had in over two years last night!

2nd August:
Thank you so much for all your help and support, I don’t think I would have got through this without you. I’m hoping there won’t be any issues between now and XXXXXXX, but if there are, I will let you know.

1st August:
Thank you so much for your phone call Monday evening, very much appreciated and I hope you got on the right train in the end! Your advice was very sound so this has helped with my decision making. Thank you for the advice and clarity… it is so good to know that Unison are there when needed.

July 2018

24th July;
I just wanted to thank you for all the help you have given throughout this process, I can honestly say we wouldn’t have been able to do this without your knowledge and advice, it’s been very much appreciated.

20th July:
Just wanted to say thank you so much for your support on XXXXXXX. I couldn’t have done it without you. You were amazing.

10th July:
I have just now received an email from XXXXXXX. Thank you for your help with all of this, hopefully it’s all sorted now!

5th July:
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for the support you gave to XXXXXXX, when they were preparing for my disciplinary hearing. Your input helped us so much when we were planning our strategy and I have no doubt that things would have been very difficult without your help. I really appreciate XXXXXXX’s contribution at this stressful time. XXXXXXX gave me their time, experience, expertise and friendship willingly at all times. Nothing was ever too much trouble and they went out of their way to give me support. I am so pleased to have them as my union rep.

June 2018

27th June:
I thought I would just drop you a note as I have been advising XXXXXXX (School) re a staffing restructure / redundancy programme for their TA staff; they have said that XXXXXXX was advising staff from the Unison side of things and have fed back to me that XXXXXXX was really helpful in supporting their staff and getting them through the process.  They are very thankful that XXXXXXX was there to support staff and really appreciated this.

25th June:
O…..M……G!!!!!! Thank you so much…… some good news at last!  You’ve been a superstar!  Thank you and your team so much for your continued support!

13th June:
I have praised you throughout this process for enabling me to gain confidence, reassurance and reach a position of calmness. Thank you, XXXXXXXX.  I believe more vulnerable staff would have incurred considerable emotional hardship if such events had happened to them. I now take the opportunity to thank Unison for their continued support and ‘addressing’ issues arising with their member.  I wish you good health and thank you again, XXXXXXXXXX. 

4th June:
I would also like to thank the West Sussex Unison team for the help and support they have provided to me during my working life at Aspire Sussex.

May 2018

22nd May:
Just wanted to say thank you for taking our Trainee Social Worker pay challenge forward for us. I have finally had confirmation that we will be getting paid as Social Workers as soon as we receive our HCPC registration. Thanks again.

10th May:
Many thanks for all you have managed to do to help the staff at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

3rd May:
Thanks XXXXXXX, wise words as always. I feel closure and I can now move on… Anyway thanks again.

2nd May:
Thank you so much for the opportunity to chat to our Unison colleague, he helped clarify a few issues that I couldn’t work out from the documentation available online at Hartlink and the LGPS site.

April 2018

30th April:
Thank you very much indeed for all your help; I am truly appreciative and so pleased with the support I have received from you and Unison.

25th April:
It looks like I’ve got XXXXXXXXXX – hoorah! Thanks for all your help in getting me this far.

20th April:
Thank you so much for your support with this. I will wait to hear from you re the other issue. Many thanks.

20th April:
Just want to say thank you so much for your support with our case. You were fantastic! We couldn’t have got through it without you, so kind, caring and compassionate in what you do – thanks again. We so appreciate it.

8th April:
Once again thank you for all your support. You are a real asset to Unison.

March 2018

19th March:
I would like to express my gratitude to XXXXXXX for all that he has done for me. He is very knowledgeable and very sincere in how he handles your case. He is a brilliant union representative.

13th March:
Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have spent on my behalf, I didn’t think I would get there, but hopefully I will start to reap the benefit, when they have in-filled my hours.

February 2018

26th February:
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your time, energy, compassion and overriding insight into the issues arising in my XXXXXXXXXXXXX. I will take some time going through each issue and being concise tomorrow. Furthermore I found your ability to separate out each matter and ask the right questions also enabling and most useful. Many thanks for the pot of tea and thoughtful surroundings where we met.

7th February:
Just to let you know, XXXXXX received his pension offer on Monday, so we are now closer to it being sorted out. We have to return the forms with his decision, then hopefully it won’t take too much longer to come through. Thank you for all the help you’ve given XXXXXX over the last couple of years, we couldn’t have done it without you.

7th February:
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the letter you wrote. Yesterday I received a phone call… I have been battling so hard for so long. Thank you again for all you have done for us and for the strong letter you wrote! This really is a life changer… many, many thanks.

1st February:
Thank you very much for taking the time to write that. Your letter is fantastic. Thank you so much for all of your help, you really have given us hope again.

January 2018

31st January:
I wanted to thank you for all your support and advice.

December 2017

22nd December:
Just wanted you to be aware of the decision to uphold my appeal. Please can I take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support and going the extra mile to assist me, without your support I doubt I would have had the strength to have continued with my appeal.

21st December:
Thanks, good point, excellent advice. Not sure why HR didn’t say as much…

18th December:
Just to inform you that I have received back pay from April 2017 and my salary is now correct – which I wouldn’t have got without your assistance.

15th December:
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you both for your support in recent months. I want you both to know your guidance provided me with well needed advice, which enabled me to approach the challenges I’ve faced with confidence. I’m incredibly grateful to you both for providing me with reassurance and also for helping me to be assertive without being over-emotional at a time I found especially stressful.

7th December:
I just wanted to thank you for your ongoing support this year in terms of my request for flexible retirement, I can’t believe this has taken a year out of my life.

1st December:
My return to work was much better than I thought that it would be. Many thanks to your team for their help.

1st December:
Many thanks for your most prompt and supportive reply. I am interested in becoming a retired member, please be kind enough to let me have the details. I do of course understand that the dreadful inefficiency of Capita isn’t a reflection of any individual concerned.

November 2017

28th November:
Thanks very much for supporting me going back to business as usual in XXXXXXXXX, greatly appreciated.

23rd November:
Positive outcome yesterday: No Further Action outcome, would like to thank XX, XX, XX and yourself for your support in what has been a difficult period. On these occasions it is reassuring to have the backup of UNISON. Can now draw a line and move on.

16th November:
Thanks so much I had an email from XXXX confirming that you were indeed correct at our last meeting [and that HR were wrong]. Thank you so much XXXX, you have been an inspiration, such a valuable and balanced source of information and moral support, always in my best interests.

10th November:
Just wanted to say thank you for your support throughout the process. I don’t think I could have held it together without that. I hope they do look at the process and how it impacts on the individual to just be left hanging.

6th November:
I want to thank you for making what is a difficult time that much easier for me, so thank you!

October 2017

26th October:
I am so glad to have had the backing of UNISON for 10 years and have advised new members of staff that it is a necessity to be a member. UNISON will always have your back where the school may not. Thank you.

17th October:
I have really good news in that I am moving to X Services on X! I have got reasonable adjustments in place and they are working well for me. I do need to thank you very much for your support and guidance during a period I found quite overwhelming. Your calm demeanour and knowledge really reassured me. Thank you again

5th October:
Thank you so much for sorting this for me. I really do appreciate it and a big weight off my mind.

September 2017

4th September:
Appeal was upheld! Mainly based on breach of contract. Thank you so much for representing me. So glad I re-joined UNISON!

August 2017

4th August:
I wanted to let you know that my workplace rep provided great support and guidance to me through this stressful process and I just wanted to pass on my thanks.

2nd August:
I’ve just read the response on the parking issue and wanted to say thanks for such a comprehensive and clear account. As a member I feel my views have been extremely well represented and I appreciate the amount of work that must have gone into this.

1st August:
What a great response to the car parking mess. You captured it all. Thank you.

July 2017

28th July:
Once again many thanks for your timely, knowledgeable and professional response, which is second to none!

28th July:
You have produced an excellent and very well written response document. Thank you.

27th July:
Great response put together on parking proposals. Thank you for putting our voice across so clearly.

20th July:
I would like to thank you for your support through the process and, most importantly, the advice on the day. Without your support I truly believe the outcome wouldn’t have been what it has and I would be out of a job, so thank you once again for your support and knowledge.

18th July:
My caseworker’s expertise was a game changer. His knowledge of the law, his skills around dealing with my employer, his ability to understand my situation and his flexibility was, and is, so appreciated. He is everything anyone could want from a rep; he is a credit to the service.

5th July:
I cannot thank you enough for helping me with this grievance. Needless to say, it would not have happened without the assistance of yourself within the UNISON umbrella. What a valuable thing trade unionism is and long may it remain so!

June 2017

28th June:
Thank you for attending the meeting with me and for your support. Really pleased with the outcome, will continue to maintain my healthy lifestyle and improve my sickness levels. Thanks again for your support.

21st June:
I must sincerely thank you for your support as my UNISON rep and your outstanding job in representing me and supporting my return to work and my continued recovery. You really have been a good friend and confidant, and I will always be grateful.

14th June:
We are so pleased and relieved. Victory for the small people! Just want to say a huge thank you for all your help and assistance and we feel that with your backing and correspondence that has helped massively towards the outcome.

10th June:
A letter has arrived this morning offering some job shares, it’s a little complicated but it is a big U-turn from where they started… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Ours will be a story to tell to other schools about the importance of union membership and not to lay down!!!

5th June:
Thank you for giving me some of your valuable time. As mentioned during our discussion, I trust and admire the fact that you are approachable and willing to help where you can. It is one of the main reasons I joined UNISON.

May 2017

25th May:
I have been waiting for any other complications but there don’t appear to be any! I wish to say a big thanks to you for all your hard work, none of this would have happened without your intervention. So thanks again!

24th May:
I would just like to add that XXXXXXX has been a very supportive union rep.

11th May:
Thanks for all your support, it means a lot. Once more thanks to you and your great team.

2nd May:
I just wanted to thank you for all your help with this process.

2nd May:
I would like to thank all of you at UNISON (my Caseworker has been a star!) for your support during this somewhat trying period.

April 2017

28th April:
I would also like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and respect for the role carried out by my Caseworker, she was very supportive throughout, I cannot thank you all enough.

28th April:
I would like to add that my Caseworker has been amazing in all of this.

26th April:
I know XXXXXX had already emailed you but I just wanted to pass on my thanks for everything you have done. I’m now madly filling out paperwork but am very happy to be doing it. Thank you.

24th April:
I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of myself and my colleague, XXXXXX, for putting our representation through – we are now in the pool with the permanent teachers thanks to you!

15th April:
The letter from XXXXXXX arrived in the post this morning. Once again, thank you so much for your dogged determination in seeing this through – and I’m sure I speak for the others you were also campaigning for.

12th April:
Thank you again, so much, for all your support!

7th April:
Many thanks for all the effort and hard work you have done in preparing the proposal for our members at XXXXX School.

6th April:
I just wanted to give you an update on my case and I am pleased to say that my hub base has been changed to XXXXXX which I am really relieved about. Thank you so much for your help.

4th April:
x has spoken with me this morning and agreed to my request for change in supervisor, therefore no need to accompany me to any meetings at the moment. I can’t thank you enough for your continued support and guidance, you are the perfect union rep and we are lucky to have you with us.

4th April:
I hope you’re aware of the difference your support, time and expertise has made to me over the last couple of years, and it has been so appreciated. Joining UNISON has been the best thing I ever did, professionally!

4th April:
Thank you so much for your help, it was sorted without any worries just a conversation, but regardless it was good to have that backing.

March 2017

31st March:
Thanks very much for helping to sort out my problem last week it was a big relief to have it resolved. Also for your advice and support through the whole redundancy process which has been very much appreciated.

9th March:
I spoke to x for some time last night and gave him the background to our situation. I just wanted to say how good it was to have him attend both meetings, I know staff found this really supportive.

6th March:
Massive thank you for my amazing defence – such a relief it’s finally over.

February 2017

20th February:
Thank you so much for making the effort to come all the way to see me on Friday. I can’t thank you enough for the support you gave me during my meeting.

15th February:
Many thanks for the support. My issue has been fully resolved.

December 2016

16th December:
I wanted to say a very big thank you for coming out and representing me recently. It made such a difference knowing that I had UNISON behind me and your support. It really was very much appreciated.

13th December:
Thank you for your support regarding my pension. I’m very grateful for all your help.

7th December:
As Unison members we wanted to express our feelings about the unfairness that these changes are creating within our team and your work portrays that effectively.

6th December:
I just wanted to send a line to say thank you for all your work on this project.

November 2016

Adur Voluntary Action (AVA), published in their November annual report 2015-16:
AVA places on record the valuable support our staff received from West Sussex UNISON over the year of this annual report. This made a huge difference to the stressful and uncertain situation faced by all AVA’s paid staff. AVA recommends that all local charities employing staff encourage trade union membership, and draw up workplace agreements. This is not a paid advertisement. It is simply the voice of AVA’s direct experience.

October 2016

24th October:
Thank you for this and for everything you do to make life easier. I’m so thankful Im in the union. When this is all over, I’d be very happy to be involved in any promotional information. Everyone should be in the union!

10th October:
A big thank you to you. I’m very impressed in your efforts to help me.

July 2016

19th July:
I cannot thank you enough for your kind words, advice and help, you have put me at ease. I know I did nothing wrong and what you said has really helped, I cannot thank you enough, I really appreciate it.

5th July:
That’s great to know; at least I feel we have been listened to! Thank you so much for all your support on this. I feel UNISON in West Sussex really does support its members and that is down to people like you who really do care and give a damn. I am fine now to be honest – getting there at least. Hope you are too! 

June 2016

23rd June:
Many thanks for letting me know. I have just signed and emailed a copy of the agreement to the solicitor’s and they called me to say this has been received. Many thanks for all your support it really has made such a difference having your advice on all of this.

21st June:
I know I am a bit late but I would like to say how well my caseworker did for me (she helped me recently over a capabilities matter). Without her knowledge and support I would not have come out of this so well so a big thank you. Best Wishes.  

May 2016

19th May:
Thank you to the Unison team for recent meetings to discuss pertinent information about retirement policies, and for the Unison pensions seminar.

11th May:
Thank you ever so much for that. This is a great answer for me. Thank you for your time and support. Kindest. 

6th May:
I just wanted to thank you for all your support and advice through what has been a very difficult time. I need to draw a line in the sand now and move on with my life. I would also like to wish you all the best for your future plans. 

4th May:
Please can you convey my gratitude to my caseworker for all his help in the past.

4th May:
Good news in the end, just surprising that it took as long as it did. My more recent request has also been acknowledged after four weeks. I have been told I should receive it around the end of this month. Many thanks for your help in getting the log-jam moving! 

April 2016

26th April:
I have re-started work this week. Thank you so much for your input.

19th April:
Thank you so much for your help throughout this business. I will let you know when the pension kicks in.

18th April:
Thank you for the help in the meeting. It was refreshing to have the union on my side.

15th April:
I wanted to say my rep has been a great support throughout, practically and emotionally with a genuinely kind and caring approach. His knowledge and time given has been really appreciated and has led to some really positive steps being made from my management, finally getting the understanding and professional support that had been lacking for too long. I want to thank UNISON for being a great support, making me feel I have a support network in future that I can always turn to. 

12th April:
Just wanted to thank you for your support and advice last week. I would not have been able to do this without your support, I really appreciate it. 

6th April:
Thanks for your fantastic helpful help. Brilliant!

5th April:
I’ve just had a call from the above regarding another member and she mentioned that she couldn’t have got her ill health retirement sorted out last year without you and that you were brilliant. Hopefully she told you at the time but, if not, now you know!

4th April:
Member has resigned as has left her job but she has asked us to note that her branch rep was very helpful and extremely knowledgeable and would like to pass on her compliments.

1st April:
I do wish I had joined Unison earlier due to previous difficulties in the workplace, which addressed at the time could have prevented things escalating to the detriment of my health and personal/work life. More awareness for new starters to join Unison would be great. Many have started work here over the past year and did not anticipate needing Unison support until it was too late or can only receive phone support because the issue had already begun. The Unison fee is usually the most likely deterrent but the membership pays dividends; and also the worry that (particularly with younger employees) that approaching Unison for support may cause them further problems in the workplace, which isn’t the case.

March 2016

24th March:
Thanks loads for your support and advice on this, really helpful 

22nd March:
Thank you for the help UNISON have given me with my Stage 1 Sickness Absence. My rep did a great job and I felt very supported. He gave me some information which I wasn’t aware of and also asked some questions of my manager during the meeting. I was very happy with the support he gave me and should be grateful if you would please pass on my thanks and gratitude for the assistance he provided.  

11th March:
I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and UNISON for the support you gave me yesterday.  

8th March:
Thanks for all your support and input over the past months: a very heartfelt and sincere thanks to you, and best wishes.