UNISON’s National Executive Council runs our union and determines the kind of union we are and can become. It is made up of 67 UNISON members just like you! NEC elections this year are hugely important to determine whether UNISON succeeds and wins for you at work and on pay.
Two West Sussex branch members are standing in this year’s elections: Dan Sartin and Abi Holdsworth. Dan and Abi are incumbent members of the UNISON NEC.
How the election works
The ballot will be open from 17 April to 19 May. Lookout for your ballot paper which will be posted to your home address.
Members can vote in all the regional seats and all the national Black and disabled member seats, regardless of your own ethnicity or whether you consider yourself disabled or not.
Members will only be able to vote for the service group candidates for the service group you are a member of e.g. Local government only. And members only get a vote in the Young Member seats if you are under 27 years old.
Members are strongly encouraged to use all the votes available to them.
Who the West Sussex branch is backing
UNISON, like any organisation, needs to change and adapt to new conditions if it is to succeed. The West Sussex branch believes that the candidates we nominated will continue to see through the kind of changes we need in UNISON and will deliver on their promises.
The NEC elected in June 2021 is making good progress and intends to continue to build a more effective union that can win for members. Already they have:
- Doubled strike pay, which is payable from day 1 and not day 4 as previously, so our members can afford to take action when necessary to defend themselves.
- Agreed a new £4 million project to radically improve and coordinate UNISON’s digital communications for members.
- Secured more ambitious proposals for a £1 million Energy Support Fund to support members in most need with rocketing home energy costs.
- Banned the carrying of gambling adverts in UNISON publications, recognising the harm gambling does to our society.
- Initiated a wide-ranging review of UNISON’s staffing structures, to ensure they are fit for purpose and focused on delivering a powerful, organising union.
- Started to review UNISON’s legal services in 2023 to better meet member needs.
Our branch believes we need more, deep-rooted change in UNISON and it takes committed and determined NEC members to achieve this. We back these candidates to continue the good work done so far.
Take part in UNISON’s NEC elections. It’s your union, so have your say in how it’s run!