Disabled members

Employees with disabilities often bring unique perspectives and problem-solving skills, which can greatly benefit an organisation. However they often face challenges in the workplace, and with recruitment and career progression. As well as physical or assistive barriers they may also experience negative attitudes and stereotypes about disabilities limiting their consideration for certain roles.

UNISON plays an important role in organising and bargaining for a fair deal for members with disabilities. People with disabilities make up 20% of the workforce and around 10 million people in Britain have a disability or long-term health condition.

UNISON actively campaigns for better anti-discrimination laws and policies. We work to ensure that disabled members have equal opportunities and are treated fairly in the workplace.

UNISON offers a range of resources to support disabled members. This includes guides on workplace adjustments, advice for those with long-term health conditions, and information on rights and entitlements.

UNISON West Sussex has supported many members who have faced barriers in securing the reasonable adjustments they need. We have worked with our primary employer, the council, to move the culture to a more inclusive one for all disabled people where equality and accessibility is at the top of the agenda. But there is still much work to be done. UNISON believes a diverse workforce fosters a more inclusive and supportive culture.

If you would like to become involved, or if you feel that you have been affected by an issue, please get in contact with us.

Sarah Etherington, Branch Disabled Members Officer