Our WSCC Adults’ Services convenor Gerard Robson writes:
By trade I’m a carpenter, by profession a records manager and I’ve worked in local government for 27 years, the majority of which has been in adult social care.
My passions are gardening and woodworking.
I was elected Adults’ Services Convenor this year and support the work of the UNISON branch whilst I continue to work as an Assistant Care Manager in the Worthing Community Team.
I support members with advice and representation, working within the boundaries of the Employment Rights Act, other employment legislation and WSCC Policy. Also, if any reorganisations are planned in Adults’ Services, I am involved throughout the process on behalf of members, reviewing proposals and papers, gathering members’ views and representing these to the senior management. With other UNISON reps, I meet with the Executive Leadership Team for Adults’ Services on a monthly basis and bring system-wide problems for discussion and resolution.
I’ve worked for WSCC since 2014 and have seen the impact of the turnover in the senior management and the uncertainty and instability that this caused under previous leadership regimes. It appears that this period of churn is over as we have an effective and stable ELT and CEO who have engaged positively with UNISON.
However, our challenges and changes in Adults’ Services will not go away.
The ‘austerity era’ is compounded by the challenges Covid-19 has brought and will continue to bring. It is likely that public services will face ever-diminishing resources whilst being asked to extend ourselves.
As workers we will have direct experience of these effects but UNISON will remain on hand to advise and support you wherever we can.
If you are interested in getting more involved in supporting your colleagues please consider becoming a representative. You can have a discussion with me via the branch office at office.unison@westsussex.gov.uk or call 01243 777636.
Thank you for the time you have spent reading this.