Branch elections 2017

Now is the time to put forward your nominations for election as a branch officer, to serve the branch during 2017/18.

The deadline to send in nominations is 12noon on 27 January.

To be nominated for a position as a branch officer on the branch committee you need to formally propose yourself and get two other members to agree to your nomination.

The form you need is available here.

All officer positions are re-elected each year and open to nominations from members. You can see the list of candidates nominated by the current branch committee below.

We are particularly keen this year to fill the roles of Welfare Officer, Women’s Officer and Young Members’ Officer. If you are interested in taking on any of these roles and would like to discuss what’s involved, feel free to contact the Branch Secretary for more information on: 01243 777636 or email

Branch Chair: Ian Harvey
Branch Vice-Chair: Sarah Cawston
Branch Secretary: Dan Sartin
Deputy Branch Secretary: Karen Daubney
Branch Treasurer: Jennie Barrett
Environmental Officer: Julie Bolton
Welfare Officer: Vacant  
Equalities Officer: BME Jules Wilson
Equalities Officer (Disability): Robert Hayes
Equalities Officer (LGBT): Paul Windsor
Equalities Officer (Women): Vacant   
Young Members’ Officer: Vacant 
Health & Safety Officer (1): Karen Daubney
Health & Safety Officer (2): Clive Coleman
Labour Link Officer: Sarah Cawston
International Officer: David Hammond
Education Coordinator: Mervyn Sams
Lifelong Learning Coordinator: Mervyn Sams
Retired Members’ Secretaries: Margaret Guest/Jennie Gudgeon
Pensions Officer: Judith Taylor
Communications Officer: Vacant
Membership Officer: Vacant 

UNISON Workplace reps are also able to join our Branch Committee for 2017/18.