Our branch equality officer for black members Anusree Biswas-Sasidharan is pleased to be able to help launch the new branch equalities newsletter.
Download Equalities Branch Lines newsletter
Working with the branch officers for disabled members (Heather Andersson) and LGBT+ members (Paul Woodcock), the group plans to update all our members on equality issues with future newsletters planned to coincide with Branch Lines publication dates.
Anusree lives in Brighton and has been involved in equalities initiatives for many years, both professionally and personally. “I’m a passionate advocate of equalities,” she says. “In my spare time I’m involved in local neighbourhood initiatives, I’m the chair of the Sussex Police’s stop and search scrutiny panel, sit on the strategic independent advisory group for Sussex Police and an elected Community Works equalities rep and sit as an attendee at Brighton and Hove Council’s neighbourhoods, inclusions, communities and equalities committee. I’m mindful of equalities issues in my roles beyond those affecting black people, but across all the equality strands.
“I want to apply my experience and knowledge to help UNISON West Sussex’s black members so they feel welcome and happy working in West Sussex.
“I want to ensure we better understand our workforce data and will focus on improving recruitment and retention for black workers. I’m asking everyone to please read our equalities newsletter and get in touch with us if anything in it affects you, or you need more information. We will always do our best to support you.”
“Equalities is not simply aimed at people who belong to a minority group, it applies to all of us. It’s something we need to consider in our daily work. We need to make sure we provide equal access to all our services for people from diverse backgrounds.”
“It is important to treat each other fairly and respectfully in our workplaces: valuing and celebrating difference without discrimination, irrespective of our identity.”