The Branch led both the main and later evening BBC South Today news items on Friday 15th April. This was the second time the Branch had featured on the programme in ten days (South Today also covered the Adur & Worthing Councils commissioning fiasco).
South Today were reporting on the story of one of our members, Susanne Gillessen and the problems she has had whilst working for Capita and since.
Capita’s payroll service has come under question by a number of West Sussex schools who are trying to move to a different supplier. UNISON believes the staff are doing their best in a difficult situation, but mistakes still happen. One such affected a UNISON West Sussex member, Susanne Gillessen.
Susanne was overpaid by Capita whilst their employee. She brought this to Capita’s attention at their Orpington and head offices but was repeatedly assured there was no mistake. When she came to leave Capita to start a different job in a local school, Capita discovered their error and reclaimed as much money from her final salary as they could. They did not inform her and left her almost destitute.
Capita then instigated proceedings through a debt collection agency to reclaim the rest. UNISON believes Susanne should not be subject to this treatment and has been supporting her throughout.
The case reveals a shocking catalogue of failures and disregard by senior management. UNISON has been unable to get a resolution after four months so our member has now featured her story on BBC South Today.
UNISON will always support our members, and will doggedly ensure that failings are not covered up and that injustices are righted. We hope Capita will come to their senses and resolve the situation appropriately. Watch this space.