Branch Committee: 2018/19 Elections

The branch committee has nominated the following members to serve as branch officers in 2018/19:

Branch Chair Ian Harvey
Branch Vice-Chair Sarah Cawston
Branch Secretary Daniel Sartin
Deputy Branch Secretary Karen Daubney
Branch Treasurer Jennie Barrett
Equalities Officer (Women) Vacancy
Equalities Officer (Black members) Eleanor Hope
Equalities Officer (Disability) Heather Andersson
Equalities Officer (LGBT) Thomas French
Health and Safety Officer (1) Karen Daubney
Health and Safety Officer (2) Carla Hardy
Education Co-ordinator Vacancy
Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Vacancy
Membership Officer Vacancy
Young Members’ Officer Chloe Pascovitch
Welfare Officer Stuart Gibbons
Communications Officer Vacancy
International Officer Vacancy
Environmental Officer Julie Bolton
Labour Link Officer Vacancy
Pensions Officer Judith Taylor


As part of the union’s democratic process, nomination forms for any of the positions here are  available from the branch office. The annual election process for workplace representatives has also started. The nomination period for all positions ends at 12 noon on 26 January.

If you are interested in taking on any role, please contact the branch secretary ( or 01243 777636) to find out more or request a nomination form.

Branch committee meets six times per year (split between Chichester and Worthing). If you would like to get more involved with the branch, as a committee member or workplace rep, now is the time.