After a vote by some staff on the council’s ‘Big Conversation’ web page, WSCC is thinking about introducing a scheme for buying and selling annual leave (this would not affect staff in schools). UNISON has concerns about this sort of ad hoc policy-making, where national terms and conditions and how we apply them could be changed because of a website vote most staff would not have seen, and for which there was no information available for participants about the consequences.
There are more concerns than meet the eye about this policy development. For example, if my colleague can buy additional leave, what will that do to the workload in my team? It may be good for the individual who buys leave, but bad for the rest of the team who have to pick up their work!
We are discussing with the Council their proposals for a new policy, and highlighting a range of safeguards we think must be taken into account.
We really want to understand your views though, to inform our negotiations and the council’s understanding.
Please take part in our online survey!