The West Sussex branch will be visiting WSCC hubs across the county during December so put the date in your diary and come and say hello.
We will have mince pies and UNISON merchandise stocking fillers for members!
Branch officers will be providing information on a range of UNISON benefits including legal support, UNISON learning, and financial support through our welfare charity There for You. Non-members will have the opportunity to join up and there will be UNISON goodies available so grab your colleagues and visit us at one of the following events:
- Chichester – County Hall; Main reception area: Tue 20 December
- Horsham – County Hall North; Foyer: Wed 21 December
- Worthing – Bridge House; 3rd Floor Tea Point: Thu 22 December
- Bognor – Durban House; Durban Diner: Wed 21 December
- Crawley – Crawley Library; 3rd Floor Kitchen Social Workers: Tue 20 December
If you have a workplace or staff event you would like UNISON to visit please get in touch with the branch office to discuss.