Marilyn Cox, UNISON West Sussex rep from Field Place Infant & Nursery School in Worthing, has been elected to the national UNISON Local Government Service Group Executive.
The result was:
Marilyn Cox: 2,991 votes (89.7%)
Sarah Barwick: 343 votes (10.3%)
Marilyn is a teaching assistant and will stand up for all our members including those like her on low-pay. Congratulations Marilyn on such a convincing win!
And many thanks indeed to all branch members who took part in the vote.
What’s a Service Group?
UNISON’s 1.3 million members are a diverse bunch. We represent public services workers across many different occupations and employers: from the nurse to the social worker to the charity worker to the university administrator.
Because of this, UNISON splits its 1.3 million members up into Service Groups so their core interests are looked after. Our Service Groups are led by their Service Group Executives (SGEs). SGEs are decision-making bodies of lay members who are elected by all the members in their respective Service Groups. The SGEs are then responsible for agreeing the strategy of the union in how it relates to key employers for pay bargaining and all other matters relating to your terms and conditions at work.
This is important work – even more so at a time of a national cost of living crisis. So who represents you and determines the strategy your Service Group adopts on pay matters a lot. SGE reps have an elected term of office of two years.