Could you support your UNISON branch? As part of the union’s democratic process, each year all the branch’s officer positions are up for election. Nomination forms for any of the positions below are available from the branch office.
The branch committee has nominated the following members to serve as branch officers in 2025-26:
- Chair: Ian Harvey
- Vice-Chair: Sarah Etherington
- Branch Secretary*: Dan Sartin
- Deputy Branch Secretary*: Keith Manville
- Black Members Officer: No nomination
- LGBT+ Members Officer: Hu Evans
- Women’s Officer: Vicky Millis
- Disabled Members Officer: Sarah Etherington
- Branch Treasurer: Jennie Barrett
- Education Co-ordinator No nomination
- Health & Safety Officer (1): Keith Manville
- Health & Safety Officer (2): Samantha Cordingley
- Membership Officer: No nomination
- Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator: No nomination
- Welfare Officer: Karen Fenn
- Young Members Officer: No nomination
- International Officer: Anna Palmer
- Communications Officer: No nomination
- Labour Link Officer: Dan Sartin
- Environmental Officer: Jackie Gatenby
- Pensions Officer: Tim Stretton
- Retired Members Secretary: Clive Coleman
- Children’s Services (CYPL) Convenor*: Sarah Etherington
- Adults’ Services Convenor: No nomination
- WSCC Schools Convenor*: Keith Manville
- Other departments (Place) Convenor: Ian Harvey
The nomination period for all branch officer positions ends at 5.00pm on Monday 10 February.
If you are interested in taking on any role, please contact the branch secretary to find out more or to request a nomination form on 01243 777636 or office.unison@westsussex.gov.uk.
Branch officer roles marked with an asterisk (*) currently have WSCC consolidated facility time associated with them.
Get involved
The West Sussex branch committee meets six times per year. If you would like to get more involved with the branch not as an officer but as a committee member or a workplace rep, now is the time. Please get in touch if you are interested to find out more.
Branch AGMs – dates for your diary
The branch committee has decided to hold virtual AGM meetings again this year. More details are on our AGM website page and the AGM papers will be circulated by Monday 10 March. All meetings will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform. Please note the dates for your diary
- Monday 24 March 2025; 1.00-2.00pm; Online (MS Teams): Join the meeting now
- Tuesday 25 March 2025; 1.00-2.00pm; Online (MS Teams): Join the meeting now
- Wednesday 26 March 2025; 6.00-7.00pm; Online (MS Teams): Join the meeting now
As well as reporting back on the previous year, we will discuss our plans and confirm branch officers and reps for 2025-26. We will hold an online raffle at each meeting with prizes to be won.