To take advantage of this invaluable opportunity and book your initial 30 minute consultation with a financial adviser, please contact:
Rheya Taylor-Sharp on 01273 523717 or email
Surgeries are free to UNISON members.
Tuesday 7 June, Room 224, County Hall Chichester, PO19 1RQ
Wednesday 8 June, Room 310, County Hall North Horsham, RH12 1XH
Thursday 9 June, Room 3, Centenary House Worthing, BN13 2QB Fully Booked
30 minutes slots are available from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Worthing members are welcome to join Horsham or Chichester sessions.
If you are interested but are unable to attend, please let Lighthouse Temple know and they will arrange for the adviser to contact you.
Help on offer:
Lighthouse Financial Advice offers advice on all aspects of financial planning. Their Professional Financial Advisers are able to use researched solutions drawn from a wide range of products and providers to find the most appropriate* products for you and can advise on:
- Financial Protection for You and Your Family
- Pension Advice and Planning for Retirement
- Savings and Investments
- Tax Planning**
- Mortgages
Understanding where you are now and where you want to be in the future enables you to make informed decisions about your finances.
Making your money work harder