The higher education service group executive (HE SGE) met on Tuesday 7 May to consider the final higher education pay offer for 2019/20. This would have an implementation date, if agreed, of 1 August 2019. The full text of the final offer is available on the UNISON website. The joint union pay claim is also available on the UNISON national website.
At the meeting the HE SGE made the following decisions:
- to recommend rejection of the final pay offer
- to carry out a branch consultation of all members covered by the New JNCHES pay negotiations.
See UNISON’s national news story on HE Pay.
This year UNISON will be carrying out the pay consultation via online e-ballot. This means that members will be able to vote online to accept or reject the pay offer.
We expect the ballot to follow this schedule:
- Ballot opens on Wednesday 22 May
- Last date for new joiners to be included in ballot: 17 June
- Close at 12pm (noon) on Monday 1 July
- SGE meet on 4 July to consider final results of consultation
How the online consultation will work
Members, for whom UNISON has an email address, will be sent a personalised voting link so that they can go directly into the e-ballot system and vote – no verification is required if members use the link to vote.
All eligible members will alternatively be able to vote via a weblink which will require verification – either UNISON membership number or National Insurance number and date of birth. A link will also be available on the UNISON HE pay webpages so eligible members will be able to vote by visiting the website.
Only members in HE employers in national pay bargaining will be included.
Our online consultation system will only allow members to vote once – whether they vote via their personalised email or via the website.
If members are sent their own email link to vote they must use that and not forward it to another person – if another person uses it first to vote, then the member will have lost their right to vote (this will be made clear on the email).
Members can vote by checking their emails on smart phones, computers, tablets etc.
Members who don’t receive an email can vote using the weblink on smart phones, computers, tablets etc. This weblink can be circulated and shared by email and in writing too.
Members who have voted will not be sent any more reminders to vote. Those who haven’t voted will be sent further emails and a text message.
We need your help now
Please ensure our data held on you is correct. Do we have the right email address for you?
We want as many HE staff as possible to have a say in this HE pay consultation. Can you help us recruit new members? Anyone who joins the union by Monday 17 June will be able to vote in this consultation and will have their say on pay. Let your colleagues know that they can easily join UNISON.
As ever, it is vital that we get the highest possible turnout in this consultation. Please ask all of your colleagues to vote in this ballot.
For more information, talk to your University of Chichester UNISON reps:
- Chris Anderson (Chichester campus)
- Tracy May (Bognor campus)
- Neil Bryant (Chichester campus)