Elections for UNISON’s General Secretary are to be held this year. The General Secretary is the union’s principal officer and spokesperson.
The West Sussex Branch Committee met to discuss the merits of the 5 candidates and decided to nominate John Burgess, currently Barnet Local Government Branch Secretary (pictured above left with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell).
We would encourage all branch members to vote when you receive ballot papers.
The election ballot will run from 9 November to 4 December 2015 and results will be issued on 17 December 2015. This is a vital election for UNISON for the next 5 years – and will affect us all.
All members, including retired members, who were on the union’s membership register on 9 August 2015, will be entitled to vote in this election. Members not on the membership register on 9 August will not be able to vote.