West Sussex branch nominates Paul Holmes for gen sec vote
Our branch knows the candidates well. We’ve nominated Paul Holmes for general secretary because:
- Paul has the best record of leadership and fighting for members;
- Paul is the members’ candidate, from the shop floor;
- Paul will take the job on his current wage of £32,000, declining the £100,000 available;
- Paul will massively increase funding to branches so we can support you better;
- Paul has a track-record of winning disputes and elections, which other candidates do not;
- Paul’s leadership will be inclusive, developing talents from across our whole union and involving retired members;
- Paul is popular across UNISON and can win!
NJC Pay 2020-21
To confirm, these are the headlines from the NJC Local Government pay settlement for 2020-21:
- 2.75%
2.75% is payable, and consolidated, on basic pay. This will be paid at WSCC in October’s pay packet (paid in October on 23rd of the month), alongside back pay for the period April-September 2020. The branch is in the process of chasing up all West Sussex employers which pay NJC pay (e.g. academies) to ensure they have arrangements in hand to pay it as soon as possible.
- One extra day’s annual leave
This extra leave is for those staff on the lowest annual leave bracket (at West Sussex this is staff on Grades 1-7 with less than 5 years’ service). Because this is backdated to April 2020 it will mean these staff have an extra day’s leave. We are chasing up WSCC to understand how this will be communicated to staff. We are also checking how this will be incorporated for Term-Time Only staff (mostly in schools) as this should translate into additional pay. This extra day also should apply to TUPE’d staff (e.g. academies, Capita) and we are following this up.
Local pay
UNISON carried out a consultative ballot with members on local pay at WSCC (HAY, Agenda for Change/Public Health, and SMG4). They were offered 2.75% also.
98.5% of members accepted the offer. This has been communicated to WSCC staff, and arrangements are being made to pay the increase with backpay in October’s salary.
Pink book staff
Pink book staff are WSCC staff on national Youth Worker terms and conditions. They also were offered 2.75% and their workplace rep balloted them on the offer. Members accepted the offer. We are awaiting the conclusion of pink book national negotiations, and it currently unclear if any settlement will be ready in time, if accepted, for October.
Return of 10:10 shopping voucher offer!
The branch is running its popular 10:10 recruitment offer until 31st October. To take up this offer, existing members simply need to recruit a friend to the UNISON West Sussex branch. In return the existing member and the new member will both receive a £10 shopping voucher. Existing members can recruit as many members as they like to receive more vouchers.
To take part, click here.