What are your views on our pay claim for 2020-21?
Take part in our online consultation!
The UNISON NJC Committee met on Tuesday 30 April 2019 to discuss the contents of the NJC pay claim for 2020/21 in order to inform this consultation.
The NJC Committee agreed that our core objective must continue to focus on the restoration of decent pay levels for all members and a bold claim is needed.
The Committee also wanted to keep the claim simple and agreed not to recommend the inclusion of any NJC conditions in this pay claim. Instead members will be consulted about a separate NJC conditions claim at a later date.
Proposed Pay Claim 2020/21
The Committee is proposing the following claim for 2020/21:
10% or £10 per hour, whichever is the greater.
The economic background paper considered by the Committee is available to download here and highlights:
- Recruitment and retention problems: affecting 74% of councils;
- Inflation: RPI at 2.7% and CPI at 2.1%. RPI is set to average 3.2% over 2019 and remain over 3% to 2022;
- Average earnings: predicted to be 2.5% in 2019 rising to 3.2% by 2023;
- Average pay settlements: 2.8% for private sector; 2.7% for public sector.
The UNISON NJC Committee will meet again on Thursday 6 June 2019 to consider the results of this branch consultation and to agree UNISON’s proposals for the 2020/21 pay claim.
The intention is for the Trade Union Side to agree the claim in late June for immediate submission to the Local Government Association.
What are your views on the pay claim?
Click on the link below to take part in the branch consultation. The deadline to take part is Wednesday 29 May.