Members of UNISON West Sussex have spoken on NJC pay. As in 2014, you have again rejected the employer’s offer in the consultative ballot.
The Branch conducted an electronic ballot of members for the first time, and this significantly improved turnout.
82.2% of West Sussex members voted to reject the offer and take one or more forms of industrial action to get an improved offer. Only 17.8% voted to accept the two-year deal.
These results were returned to the UNISON NJC Committee, elected by members for the purpose of agreeing NJC pay strategy.
Nationally, UNISON members rejected the offer by 64%, with 35% voting to accept it. (1% of ballots were spoiled.)
UNISON will now seek further discussions with the employers in a bid to break the deadlock over pay and seek to get a new offer on the table.
The NJC Committee also agreed to seek permission from UNISON’s Industrial Action Committee to set a formal postal ballot underway for all-out strike action.
It is crucial that we now recruit more reps and members to UNISON. We will need strong support for any industrial action. Tell your workmates that they have to be ‘in it to win it’ and get them to join us.