
The Labour Link governs UNISON’s relationship with the Labour Party and promotes UNISON’s policy aims and objectives within the Labour Party. An important election is …

8th August 2019Read More »

Branch Secretary Dan Sartin spoke to councillors about the council’s poor statutory inspection of its Fire & Rescue Service, focusing on how a number of …

17th July 2019Read More »

UNISON has now submitted its response on local pay for 2019-20 to WSCC. Our response covered the 2% offer and whether or not UNISON should …

17th July 2019Read More »

West Sussex County Council is still reporting a huge budget gap of £75.5million over the next 4 years. The worst of the 4 years is …

7th July 2019Read More »

UNISON West Sussex is holding member meetings from 15th to 19th July on: Children’s Services Ofsted report; The local pay award (HAY, SMG4, AfC/Public Health) …

7th July 2019Read More »

UNISON West Sussex will be out and about this summer for our hub events 15-19th July. If you are already a member of UNISON, bring …

7th July 2019Read More »

HE 2019-20 Pay Consultation The regional result of the pay consultation ballot was a 69% vote in favour of rejecting the offer on a 44% …

7th July 2019Read More »

The following article is relevant for UNISON members and non-members in the following local pay groups: HAY; SMG4; Public Health/Agenda for Change (AfC). UNISON last …

26th June 2019Read More »

Member meetings We have more member meetings planned for the week of 15-19 July. UNISON is in regular dialogue with John Readman and Kim Curry, …

13th June 2019Read More »

The UNISON NJC Committee met Thursday 6th June  to consider feedback on its recommendation for the 2020/21 NJC pay claim.  The Committee had consulted members via …

12th June 2019Read More »