UNISON’s Head of Pensions, Glyn Jenkins, will be visiting West Sussex on 1st and 2nd May 2018.
Glyn will hold free individual pensions advice surgeries over 2 days exclusively for West Sussex branch members. Glyn will be at:
- County Hall in Chichester on Tuesday 1st May, and;
- Centenary House in Worthing on Wednesday 2nd May.
Individual appointments last for 20 minutes each and are open to all UNISON West Sussex members but must be booked in advance. To book your free appointment with Glyn, click on either of the links below to a Doodle poll, where you can select a preferred time slot. Please be aware that appointments are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. It is essential that you enter your full name and/or membership number when booking a slot.
Lunch-time collective pensions meetings – open to all members!
Glyn will also be holding a collective meeting over the lunch period at both County Hall and Centenary House for any members unable to attend an individual appointment. These collective meetings are open to any UNISON West Sussex members with no need to make an appointment – just turn up and feel free to bring your sandwiches!
- Tuesday 1st May; 12:00-13:00: Committee Room 1, County Hall, Chichester
- Wednesday 2nd May; 13:00-14:00: Conference Room 1, Centenary House, Worthing
Glyn is UNISON’s number one expert on the LGPS with decades of experience in the scheme and negotiating with the employers and government. Bring your questions along with you!