Refugees welcome demo, Chichester Saturday 7th

Congratulations to campaigners in Chichester for a successful demo held last week in defence of refugees and asylum seekers (see pictures above and below).

Organising the demonstration is ‘Stand Up To Racism’, which UNISON is affiliated to both nationally and at the West Sussex branch level.

Their demo was organised as a counter-demonstration to a planned anti-refugee demonstration. Disgarcefully, fascist elements are seeking to capitalise on the government’s handling of immigration issues and accompanying media narrative, and this is done at the expense of very vulnerable people. Here is a report on what happened in Knowsley earlier this year.

Stand Up to Racism and UNISON think It is essential to have a show of solidarity to refugees and not to concede the ground to those elements who would seek to isolate and scapegoat them, bring disorder and generally make their lives intolerable.

Campaigners return to the street this Saturday 7th October, meeting at 12 noon at the Sainsbury’s car park. Join them if you can. Download flyer.