UNISON West Sussex is excited to announce a special course for UNISON members working in schools on gender diversity. This will be delivered by Mermaids charity on Tuesday 21st April 2020 in Brighton.
What will the course cover?
- Understanding gender identity and gender diversity
- LGBT+ terminology
- Challenges faced by trans young people
- Transition pathways, including healthcare
- Changing names, systems and forms
- Legal responsibilities: the Equality Act, hate crime incidents, transphobia
- Managing single-sex spaces
- Improving LGBT+ equality and diversity: policies, guidance, recommended resources
This training is provided free to all members who work in schools and similar environments.
To apply:
- Download and complete the application form.
- Send your completed application form to the branch for authorisation by Thursday 2nd April 2020. Email the form to office.unison@westsussex.gov.uk or post to the branch office: UNISON West Sussex, County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ.
Download course flyer here.