An extra 75 parking places will be made available in Horsham for staff based at County Hall North (CHN).
This follows a move by Horsham District Council (HDC) staff into CHN planned for 1 June. The additional places will be located in the Piries Place public car park, 5 minutes’ walk from CHN.
UNISON West Sussex has repeatedly lobbied county councillors and senior officers at Staff Joint Committee for several months on the issue of increased pressure on parking places at the building. This has now produced dividends, with the council’s Corporate Accommodation Lead successfully negotiating these extra places.
The council’s Staff Joint Committee meets regularly and brings together six key councillors (including the Cabinet Member for HR and Chairman of the Council) with six lead UNISON West Sussex Reps.
UNISON has now also met with council officers to discuss the best way to allocate the places, and further meetings are planned. No charges for parking will be imposed.
Increased staffing levels at CHN from the HDC transfer will still result in a net gain of 25 places available to existing staff within CHN. Impacted staff will be contacted by the council during May.
For more information, please contact your local workplace representative.