Working across international frontiers is a key element of UNISON’s wider role, supporting workers facing unimaginable challenges.
Branch officer David Hammond recently attended a UNISON regional seminar to discuss important international issues affecting the union, reminding us that we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with workers fighting for their rights across the world. Among the issues discussed were:
- The ‘Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership’: a proposed free-trade agreement between the USA and the EU to further open up public services to private companies motivated primarily by profit rather than people’s needs;
- An update on the activities of the ‘Justice for Columbia’ movement, created in response to the appalling human rights crisis in Colombia and particularly those committed against trade union members; and
- The Palestine Solidarity Campaign: supporting international law, human rights, peace and justice for all Palestinians and opposed to any form of racism including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
Branch Committee in September voted to renew our affiliation to the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, and to donate £100 to Medical Aid for Palestinians in recognition of the devastating humanitarian crisis facing Palestinians in Gaza.
For more information email David Hammond, Branch International officer via the Branch office.