UNISON West Sussex has failed to reach agreement with WSCC on paying its Term Time Only staff lawfully. It is continuing to underpay its staff the legal rate of pay knowingly, and it owes staff pay from previous years. We will update members more fully next week.
Meantime, we are keen to ensure that members details are as up-to-date as they can be.
If you are a Term-Time Only worker in a school or academy in West Sussex on grades 1-7, we need you to ensure the details we hold for you are correct.
Please login to your membership record at MyUNISON and check your details are correct or update for us your:
- Phone
- Mobile phone
- Workplace i.e. name of school
- Employer
- Job title
- Address
5 Years’ Service
The branch would also like to know if you achieved 5 years’ service at your school in the period between 2015 – 2020. If this applies, to you please contact the branch.
We are trying to determine if your holiday pay was updated and paid correctly to take account of the increase in leave allocation after 5 years’ service. After 5 years’ service annual leave increases to 27 days for staff on Grades 1-7 but there are fears that this was not universally applied by WSCC to all TTO staff.
Tell your friends!
Please also encourage non-members to join us so they don’t miss out on what they are entitled to!