November is the TUC’s third annual Young Workers’ Month. This year UNISON West Sussex Branch is teaming up with West Sussex County Council to bring you the first ever Young Workers’ Festival from 3pm on Thursday 19 November at County Hall North, Horsham.
If you’re under 35 years old, please feel free to come along.
We will be holding stalls, workshops and providing food for anyone attending. You’ll be able to meet other young workers, talk about your collective experiences as a young worker, find out about UNISON workplace support and win prizes!
From 5pm we will be holding a social event, with a pub quiz and free drinks as you mix with other young workers at B52s, Piries Place, Horsham.
Order your tickets here for the Young Worker Festival.
To find out more email office.unison@westusssex.gov.uk or call Thomas French on 01243 777636.
We look forward to meeting you!