UNISON members on NJC terms and conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland have voted to accept the 2022-23 pay offer, with 63.5% voting to accept and 36.5% voting to reject.
We now await the results of GMB’s and Unite’s consultations on 2022-23 pay, both of which will end in October. We are hopeful for implementation of the award in November.
In West Sussex branch, members bucked the national trend.
4,045 members were balloted in West Sussex (3,826 electronically; 219 by post).
72.22% voted to reject the offer, on a turnout of 40.94%.
We are grateful to all members for taking part. Although West Sussex members voted against the offer, as we are a part of national pay bargaining machinery, we accept the democratic outcome of members aggregated across the union.
The UNISON NJC Committee will be reviewing the consultation and campaign, to try to boost turnouts further in future consultations and ballots. The Committee has also begun to discuss the pay claim for 2023-24, with a view to getting it agreed as soon as possible.
We will keep you up-to-date with news of the implementation of 2022-23 and the claim for 2023-24 which is imminent.