Like our new Facebook page

We’ve recently launched a new, open Facebook page to help us keep you better informed about union-related issues impacting you and your job. If you are on Facebook, please like us so can help spread the word to more members and potential members.

You can find our page at

Facebook allows us to post information quickly and often about subjects we’re not able to publish in other channels. This is usually because they’re time-sensitive and need an immediate response or like from ourselves. We can also comment more frequently on a much wider range of issues from other sources which is not easily done through our other established channels.

This is the latest social media channel we’ve launched. It follows our successful launch of Twitter earlier this year: @unisonwsx

We’re aiming to coordinate our messages between the two channels on at least a weekly basis so you’re fully aware of branch perspectives on both local and national issues.

Join Facebook, like us and spread the word to your Facebook friends!