UNISON has highlighted how the government has recently introduced a new Children and Social Work Bill now working its way through parliament.
This new piece of legislation will have far-reaching consequences for all social workers in England, not just children and family social workers. The reforms will allow councils to outsource their functions to ‘social work trusts’ which UNISON believes could open the door to the privatisation of social work. They will also lead to all social workers being directly regulated by the government instead of an independent body. UNISON believes the reforms do not address the fundamental challenges social workers are facing.
UNISON would now like to get the views of our members on the steps being taken by the government to reform social work by asking them to complete a survey.
Deadline for completion is 9 September.
The survey can be accessed here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/RT3T9RC
The survey will take just a few minutes to complete and it can be answered anonymously. The answers will help to inform UNISON’s future campaigning work on this extremely important issue.