UNISON responds formally to the message put out in the ‘One Voice’ broadcast email by the WSCC Chief Executive, Nathan Elvery, on appraisals and pay increments.
On 8th March a ‘One Voice’ all-staff broadcast email was issued by Nathan Elvery, Chief Executive at WSCC. In that email, under an item headed ‘It’s time to book our appraisal conversations!’ the following statements were made:
- “The Council’s pay policy states that incremental progression is subject to satisfactory performance, and appraisals are an important part of demonstrating that performance.”
- “From April 2019 incremental progression will be dependent on appraisals being completed and a positive determination that performance is satisfactory. This is the approach that should have been taken previously, but given that this has not been the practice of the Council over recent years it has been agreed that it would be appropriate to give sufficient lead-in time to ensure that appraisals are carried out well.”
UNISON wishes to make it clear to members that there is no basis for the above statements as no collective agreement has been made with UNISON.
UNISON therefore notes that this is the intention of the Chief Executive, though UNISON members reading the above statements by the Chief Executive may be of the impression that an agreement has already been reached.
UNISON has formally raised our concerns with the Chief Executive, both verbally and in writing prior to the issuance of the broadcast email, and subsequently at our regular meeting held on 12th March.
UNISON’s view is that all staff have the right to incremental progression up their pay spine unless they are formally placed on a capability or disciplinary process by their employer. Nothing has been agreed with UNISON to change this position.
UNISON awaits sight of formal proposals from the employer, which we will deal with when they arrive. Until then it remains UNISON’s view that progression remains automatic unless the staff member is under formal capability or disciplinary processes.
UNISON is increasingly concerned that decision-making within WSCC is taking place outside of established forums. It is vitally important that collective bargaining is not undermined. Therefore UNISON will be raising these concerns with the chair of the WSCC Governance Committee in due course.
Any branch members with concerns about any of the above may contact the branch office through the usual channels.