Use your vote! NEC elections

UNISON’s National Executive Committee is the governing body of the union. It is made up of 66 UNISON members, and the seats are allocated to ensure that our different regions, service groups and self-organised groups are represented.

All election candidates are members of UNISON, just like you. If you’ve been a full member of UNISON prior to January 15 2019 (this does not include retired members) you’ll be sent a postal ballot to your home address. These will be sent from April 15, and voting will be open until the deadline of 17 May. Please use your vote!

It’s really important that all members take part in these elections. UNISON is the UK’s largest trade union with 1.3 million members. As such it has a huge resource at its disposal and ability to make a positive impact on your workplace and our wider society. How UNISON is governed and the decisions it takes matters. Now is your chance to determine who should lead the union.

In the south east

The UNISON West Sussex branch committee has decided to nominate the following candidates:

Dan Sartin

South East male seat

Dan is our West Sussex branch secretary.

Abi Holdsworth (pictured right)

South East reserved seat

Abi is a West Sussex branch rep in the Capita call centre in Bognor.

Jac Berry

South East female seat

Jac is a frontline intensive care nurse and a member of Medway Health branch.

The UNISON West Sussex branch committee believes these are the best candidates for the south east. They have a record of speaking up and fighting for members, and will work together as a team for the south east. They are standing on a platform to change UNISON, to make it more responsive to members and more effective.

Other candidates

The UNISON West Sussex branch committee has also nominated the following candidates. We know these candidates, have worked with them as a branch, and think they are the best candidates for the seats they are standing in.

Local Government

  • Jane Doolan
  • Andrea Egan
  • Diana Leach
  • Paul Holmes

Higher Education

  • Sandy Nicoll
  • Kath Owen


  • Claire Dixon
  • Jordan Riviera
  • Adrian O’Malley
  • Neil McAlister


  • Anjona Roy
  • Kevin Jackson

Water, environment & transport

  • John Jones

Black members

  • April Ashley
  • Sonia Stewart
  • Hugo Pierre

Disabled members

  • Paula Carlisle

Elections helpline now open

If individual members have not received a ballot paper by post by 29 April then they should contact the ballot helpline operated by UNISONdirect on the following telephone number: 0800 0857 857.

Members with hearing difficulties can use textphone 0800 0 967 968.

The latest point at which members can request a ballot paper is 12noon on 14 May.