
Get involved, get radical, be inspired: Brighton IWD2017 From 10-5 on Saturday 4th March, Brighton Women’s Centre’s annual IWD celebrations will take up the fight …

2nd March 2017Read More »

What’s going on with our schools, colleges and universities? Do we have the education system we need? In West Sussex, school governors have threatened to …

2nd March 2017Read More »

UNISON West Sussex would like to receive feedback from WSCC Adults’ Services members currently working in the Pilot Innovation sites, and also from those in Locality teams and Adult Care Point. Please send feedback on the new model to or We will use your feedback to inform our …

2nd March 2017Read More »

UNISON believes it’s vitally important our Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) members check their annual statements. The LGPS is a large, union-negotiated benefit of working …

17th February 2017Read More »

Please tell us who you think the UNISON West Sussex ‘workplace rep of the year’ should be! We’re hoping to find out which of our …

17th February 2017Read More »

Get involved: free coach tickets available now! Health Campaigns Together has called a national demonstration for Saturday 4th March in Central London. UNISON is supporting the …

9th February 2017Read More »

UNISON is offering grants to members studying at further education or first degree levels as part of the support we offer to help members get …

31st January 2017Read More »

UNISON West Sussex has received reports from its reps at West Sussex County Council about our members attending Level 2 sickness absence review meetings with no HR officer present. On one of these occasions the UNISON rep rightly refused to hold the meeting without HR being there, so the meeting …

31st January 2017Read More »

It’s really important for you to tell us about any changes to your personal and workplace contact details so we’re able to easily get in touch with you. This is especially so for email addresses. Some members prefer not to use their work email for union communications, but people often …

31st January 2017Read More »

The Labour Party is starting a national conversation called ‘Workplace 2020’ to discuss what work should be like in four years’ time. The party wants to hear about your experiences at work and gather your ideas about creating workplaces fit for the future. What would you like to see change? …

31st January 2017Read More »