How we help

If you have a UNISON Rep:

  1. Speak to your workplace rep about your problem.
  2. If they don’t know the answer, they will contact the Branch office or show you how to get in touch.
  3. If they can support you, they will, including in meetings with your employer.
  4. You will need to complete a ‘UNISON case form’ if your issue requires more in-depth support than one-off advice; for example, you need representation in meetings with your employer.
  5. Your workplace rep is trained to support members, and has back-up from the Branch office, the regional office, and UNISON solicitors.

If you don’t have a UNISON Rep:

  1. Talk to your colleagues. Find out who is in the union, encourage others to join if necessary, and elect a workplace rep! Workplaces which are unionised and organised have better employee/employer relationships.
  2. In the meantime, contact the Branch office on 01243 777636 or email
  3. Our office hours are 9.00am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday. If you’re calling outside these hours and it’s not urgent, leave a message and we’ll get back to you. If you’re calling outside office hours and it is urgent – for example, you’ve been suspended – then call UNISONdirect on 0800 0 857 857.
  4. When you speak to our office you will normally speak to one of our Branch administrators in the first instance. They will pass your enquiry to a ‘duty officer’ who will be your first line of support, calling you back to find out more about your issue and give you timely advice.
  5. You will need to complete a ‘UNISON case form’ if your issue requires more in-depth support than one-off advice; for example, you need representation in meetings with your employer.
  6. On receipt of your completed case form, we will allocate you a branch caseworker, who will usually arrange to meet with you to discuss your options, best course of action, and how you can best be supported.