Young members

UNISON West Sussex Young Members is here to support all of our members aged 30 or below.

Within UNISON, Young Members make up one of the equalities groups that work to campaign on issues that affect a particular part of the workforce, and we provide support for these members.

Within the West Sussex branch that means that we have a Young Members officer who works specifically to support all of our young members. The Young Members officer recruits new members, listens to the concerns of existing young members while also encouraging them to participate more in the union, and represents the interests of young members at the branch level.

Our Young Members officer also works with the Regional Young Members forum to suggest ideas and policies to campaign for on a regional level. Through these channels we can also support national campaigns for better conditions for young employees.

Young people in employment are often the most affected by larger employment issues, and the pandemic has brought to light the extent of many of these issues. Young members are more likely to be made redundant due to a lack of experience over their older peers, they are more likely to be on lower pay than which in turn effects their accommodation conditions and other quality of life issues, and they are also more likely to face issues with promotions and training.

UNISON Young Members are committed to campaigning on these issues, and working to support the young members in our branch. If you feel passionately about young members issues and would be interested in getting involved, please get in contact with us.